Chapter 15-Avenged Sevenfold and unexpected goings on...

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Ray's POV

"So, i'm guessing you're happy to see us then?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah... I am." I blushed.

"Awesome." Johnny grinned.

"What we gunna do today?" CC asked.

"I'm gunna sleep all fucking day..." Jinxx groaned and went to his bunk.

"You do that Jinxxy." I smiled.

"We won't make... Too much noise." Jake grinned.

The rest of us were just about over our hangovers so we were good.

"You better not do." Jinxx moaned.

"Awe." I chuckled, so did everyone else.

"Wanna do some band practice in here?" I suggested and we giggled.

"Sure why not, its not like we'll be disturbing anyone." Andy said sarcastically and wrapped his arm round my waist.

"Dude, i can hear you, you two are assholes." Jinxx scowled.

"Awww, why don't we go to the bar where we parctice at then?" Jake suggested.

"Sure." M agreed, we got up and i went to get dressed.

I did my makeup and teased my hair.

"You're looking beautiful today." Andy smiled.

"Don't i always?" I asked, pouting.

"Of course, just today in particular." He chuckled, ruffling may hair.

"Nice save." I smirked.

"Ah shit, you look scary sometimes!" He took a step back in surprise, i think it was fake, he was a pretty good actor.

"We gunna go when you guys are dressed right?" I asked the rest of BVB.

"Yeah, i'll go get dressed now." Ash said and went to the back room.

"Yeah me too." CC agreed and followed Ashley.

They returned about 20 minutes later, dressed, casual makeup done and hair teased a little.

"I'll go now, i'll be back in a second." Jake said and went to the back room.

He came back another 20 minutes later, in the same condition as Ash and CC; Dressed, hair teased, makeup done.

"Wanna help me get ready?" Andy winked at me.

"Sure, why not." I winked back.

I followed him into the back room and he lightly pushed me on the bed and started to kiss me down my neck.

"You know where this is gunna lead, and i can't. You know that." I said to him and we both sighed.

"I know." He replied.

I really wanted to and i know he did too.

We got up after a few more minutes of tongue war and got dressed, did our makeup and hair etc.

"You took your time!" Ashley teased, winking at us.

"We were a little busy." Andy smirked.

"Ewwwww!" Ash replied in an annoyingly whiney tone.

"Dude, we didn't do anything, i'm pregnant already and you know I don't agree with sex during pregnancy!" I replied, chuckling at his digusted expression.

"Oh yeah." Ashley sighed a breath of relief.

I rolled my eyes.

"Congrats! Andy, you're gunna be a dad!" Matt grinned.

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