Chapter 18-Time to face the Facts... And the Father

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Ray's POV

*1 Month later*

"Honey the door!" Andy called as he was cooing Carloyn to sleep.

I went to go answer it and nearly died when i saw who it was.

"Da-Danny?!" I stuttered.

"Surprised?" He smiled.

"How the fuck did you find out where i lived?" I scowled.

"BOTDF told me you guys had moved in together, it was only a matter of time before something slipped out by accident." He grinned menacingly at me.

"Who is it?" Andy called, then i heard him get up.


"Ray, what's going on?" He called and Carolyn started crying.

"Shit." I whispered to myself.

"You have a kid? How old?" Danny asked.

"One month." I replied coldly.

"Is it Andy's?" He asked.

I didn't reply. I just looked at him from the corner of my eye. Then i went to slam the door in his face, but he caught it and followed me to where Andy was trying to calm Carloyn down.

"Give her to me." I said sternly and held out my hands. He did as he was told and i held onto my daughter with all i had, she stopped crying as soon as she was in my arms.

"She's gorgeous." Danny smiled.

"Get out of my house." I glared and pointed roughly to where the door was.

"Who's this?" Andy asked.

"I'm Danny, you might remember me from the phone calls." Danny held out a hand for Andy to shake.

"Don't touch him." I snapped at Danny.

"I was only beng friendly." He muttered.

"Just like you were being friendly when you abused and raped her." Andy scowled.

"That was the past. This is now. I promise i have changed, i just want to be back in your life Ray." Danny seemed to plea. He never pleaded.

"Yo-you're pleading. You never plead." I stuttered.

He was serious. But after what he did to me, i can't have him back in my life.

"That's how serious i am. Please Ray. Please." He was begging now... What?

"I'm sorry Danny. After what you did, and how that resulted." I started, then my eyes moved towards Carloyn, it was instinctive, i didn't do it on purpose.

"Wait. Is she... Mine?" He asked.

I looked at Andy for support, then he moved towards me.

"It looks like we have no choice but to tell you. Yes Carolyn is yours, but Ray doesn't want anything to do with you. I promised Ray that i would treat Carolyn as my own. I think i've done a pretty good job." Andy smiled slightly.

"Better than he would have ever done." I muttered under my breath. Andy must have heard because he nudged me.

"What?! You're a better father to her than he would ever be. And it's all because of what he did to me!" I raised my voice. Carolyn started to get uneasy, so i bounced her on my hip and gently 'shhhed' her.

"I would be a great father, and the guilt of what i did to you would drive me on to be." Danny looked at me with sad eyes.

"Don't. Just don't." I said and shook my head.

"What?" He replied.

"Try and guilt me into this. It's not going to work, you fucked up my life and i will never forgive you for that." I looked at him, disgusted with what i saw and stormed into the kitchen to make Carolyn some baby milk.

Andy's POV

"I think it's time you left. And never came back." I scowled at the peice of filth that nature called 'man'.

"Bu-"Danny started but Ray cut him off.

"Get out. NOW DANNY!" She shouted.

He held his head low and walked out of the apartment.

Ray's POV

As soon as i knew he was gone i broke down in tears. I held Carolyn close to me and knelt on the floor, crying for eternity.

"Baby, it's ok, he's gone." Andy knelt down next to me, stroking my back.

We sat there for ages, even after i had calmed down long enough for Carolyn to fall asleep in my arms. We finally got up off the floor and i put Carolyn to bed.

"You ok baby?" Andy asked as we sat on the couch.

"I guess." I sighed.

Then there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it. A pleasant surprise. I think...

"Jayy?!" I gasped.

"Hey Ray, i'm so sorry Danny found out where you and Andy lived, it's all my fault, i thought he went out." He looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Who is it babe? Oh, what's he doing here?" Andy scowled at Jayy.

"Hey! He came to apologise to us for Danny finding out. It was all an accident so shut your mouth!" I scowled back at him.

"Honestly bro, i thought he went to the mall." Jayy butted in. "I'm really sorry."

"Ray could have gotten seriously hurt, or Carolyn." Andy kept a glare on the man in our doorway.

"Carolyn? Oh yeah, i forgot you had a daughter, shows how much attention i pay, sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's cool, we haven't seen you since tour, and that was only for a second." I laughed slightly.

"I'm surprised you didn't see Danny, he was in the crowd too." Jayy shrugged at Danny's misfortune. "But i can honestly say, if i knew he was listening in, i wouldn't have spoken a word about you."

"Good, thanks for the support Jayy, i appriatiate it, and even though he doesn't show it, Andy does too." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome." Jayy smiled back.

"Hey Ray, hey Andy." Dahvie grinned, coming up to the door.

"Hey Dahvie." I grinned.

"You ok? You look like you've been crying." He replied.

"Oh yeah, i saw that, but i thought not to ask, it seemed a bit personal." Jayy said.

"Oh, Danny came over." I replied, wiping away another tear at the thought.

"He actually came here?! I didn't think he would have the guts to some any where near here, with your fiance and his bad ass band and all." Jayy smiled at Andy and he smiled back with a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah, i thought you would have known." I raised an eyebrow.

"No, he's been keeping his distance from us for a while. Never really tells us anything anymore." Dahvie replied.

"Wanna come in for a bit? I was just about to make dinner." I asked.

"Sure, thanks." Jayy grinned and Dahvie nodded excitedly, making their way into our home. 

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