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It's been 4years since the catacombs and I killed fire lord ozi. Zuko was about to come home and I moved to the fire kingdom. Zuko Is still searching for me.  I couldn't stray far from zuko any more the pain was unbearable. My brother comes to visit so does Aang but not as often as sokka.

I even own my own tea shop zuko's uncle is a frequent visitor. Apparently zuko has visited only once but on my day off. My Co-worker said he looked tired, angry and impatient. She quit the next day I still haven't hired a replacement.

Zuko uncle let's me call him uncle although we aren't blood related. I an snapped out of my day dreaming and  boil the hot water. I walked into the sitting room which had a deck that had a spectacular view of the famous fire nation Mountains which surround the nation.

I saw uncle he looked so excited. I showed him to his usual table on the deck. He was the only customer I had that came in for my company as much as the tea.

I asked pouring his tea into his favourite cup that I had specially made for the old general Known as the dragon from the west,"why are you so excited?"

,"I have finally convinced my nephew to come and meet you. I'm hoping he'll like your tea just as much as me and agree to sponsor or give you a fob at the palace as the tea brewer."

I could not believe he invited  zuko here.

, "you didn't have to do that. I do not mean to be rude but I do not wish to meet with your nephew. "

,"well...too late he's out side"

,"if he comes in I'm sorry I can not be in your company to day."

I fetched another cup and poured more tea into it then placed it opposite uncle and walked back into the kitchen. I heard the door open and close. I waited outing the foot steps walked onto the creaky floor boards of the deck did I stalk out into the main tea room where I had customers waiting for refills.

I water bended the tea into their cups and then walked into the room with my pay pad I placed the pieces of paper with the totals of each onto the tables of customers getting ready to leave.

Then I heard somebody say, "Kat"

I turned to see my brother sokka. I gave him a hug and sat him in a seat and poured him a cup of his favourite herbal tea I even had a few biscuits on the side for him.

He asked, "what do you need?"

I say with a smile, "why do you think I want something?"

He said , "doesn't matter what do you want?"

I sigh, "you see the two people sitting on the deck?"

He looked shocked, "is one of them zuko?"

I nodded , "his uncle is a frequent visitor but his nephew has only been in here twice now the first he scared off my other staff member this is the second time. I can not serve them can you?"

He said, "only if you tell me what happened in the catacombs"

,"but.......I..... fine"

Sokka puts on apron and grabs a kettle that has green tea inside. Then proceeded to walk onto the deck.


My uncle called me out her to meet some girl who brews tea. But I've gotta say it was the best tea i've ever tasted and it actually made me like tea. Then about 10 minutes later my soul mates brother sokka came and served us.

I said, "sokka, it's been ages how are you?"

He replied , "alright i've been searching for katara all over but haven't been able to find her but enough about that what are you doing in this tea shop because I could have sworn you said you hated tea"

, "my uncle wants me to employ the owner of this tea shop so he has me here testing tea samples to see if I want to employ her."


,"this tea makes me like tea it's the best i've ever tasted theres a really good chance I'll employ her. How do you know the owner?"

,"Kat and I go way back. She grew up on our village she and my sister were close practically the same person. When I had got home word had gotten round that she was here and owned a shop and I wanted to visit help out of I could. Apparently her hired help was scared off by your last visit and nobody else would help so I volunteered and told her we were old friends."

,"I should apologise for inconveniencing her with it I can only assume she is working 24/7 now."

Uncle commented, "yes, you assume correctly and I really like this girl too"

Could see a smile come across sokka's face.

I asked , "could you bring Kat out her so I can ask her a few questions?"

Sokka replied (looking around our table and into the main room) ,"I do t know if I can pull her away from her work right now"

I said ," I'll just go in and ask them."

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