Chapter 3

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Hey again.
I don't have a name for this chapter
I'm sorry it took so long but hey it's finally here
Hope you will enjoy it!

3rd person POV
After (m/n) passes out a lot of his blood is taken out since the fedora wearing vampire can not control himself after forcing his fangs through (m/n)'s neck. After a while even the others interfere so that there would be something left for them. "Ahh, so good!" Is the only thing that left Laito's mouth after drinking the delicious plasma running through the defenseless body. "Tsk, so troublesome. Yui, take him somewhere." Ayato orders to the blonde girl who listens and takes the passed out boy to a guest room. Reiji goes back to his father's desk since an old diary carefully placed on it caught his attention. After opening it he reads a random page: After being in here for so long his scent has gotten stronger. I wonder how strong it can get.

"Hah interesting"

(M/n)'s POV
"Huh, where am I?!" Is the first thing that comes to my mind after waking up. When I finally come to my senses I notice that there are no chains restraining me. However when I try to leave I find myself in the familiar state of helplessness and I start to panic. "Could it be?" I softly touch my neck hoping the marks won't be there. "Of course they are there, and they surely aren't Karlheinz's marks since he knows how to control himself. It must have been one of them. Is every single one of them his son? He said he had children but I didn't expect so many..." After getting deep in thoughts I hear steps behind the door and my first thought is to pretend that I'm sleeping. "Hmm, so your name is (M/n), I just finished reading fathers diary. You're just a poor little thing, aren't you." I'm trying to calm down in hopes he won't notice that I'm awake. " You can stop pretending now, it's not like you will be any safer if you're asleep." Slowly sitting of my bed I quietly ask him. " W-what are y-you going to do to me?" The black haired male grins. "I surely am planning on drinking your blood." My eyes widen as I try to get as far away from him as possible. "No need to run." States the tall man while he grabs my hand forcefully. Expecting that he will bite me, I close my eyes. Nothing comes. Curiously I open one eye, seeing his face close to mine whispering . "I won't drink now, you're filthy." After that sentence he releases my hand as he points in the direction of one door and leaves. I shakily stand up and head to the room bathroom where I find a huge mirror which holds the reflection of my skinny body. Ashamed of myself I look away and start filling up the bath. After entering the bath I fall asleep.
"..ey.. Hey! Wake up." Says an angered voice. Still not being convinced enough to wake up I stay with my eyes closed relaxing. "I said wake up!" Repeats the angered voice as I am forcibly thrown at the floor. My senses kick in, I open my eyes and cover my nude self in the closest towel. After that I look at the interruptor of my sleep. It's one of the sons, the one with the red hair and green eyes. "You're late to dinner. Hurry up." "Huh? They're willing to eat with me?  ....wait! Am I by any chance the food?!" Dumbfounded I look at him in disbelief. "What's that look for. Do you want me to dress you?" After his comment he chuckles. "T-that's not necessary." I respond quickly. "Well, then change." His demand makes me flinch a little bit. "What's wrong? I am pretty sure you changed your clothes when my dad was around." Without saying a word I change quickly and then I follow him to the dinning room.

3rd person POV
After (M/n) and Ayato enter the dining room Reiji stands up. "You are finally here. (M/n) I guess none of my brothers had the intelligence to actually introduce themselves, so we will do it now." After introducing themselves, all of them start eating. "Hey.. don't forget to tell him about that." Murmurs Shu to Reiji. "'That'? What is 'that'??" Thinks (M/n) to himself insecurely. "Right. (M/n) we thought that we might make your stay in here more fun if all of us play a game. If you win you are free to leave. The game is easy, you win if you manage to leave through the front gate and the game has no time limits." Reiji chuckles to himself knowing that every one of them will be able to know if the blood bag is far away. "W-what if I don't want to play?" Asks (M/n) shivering. "Then you will stay here till you die. Or should I say until there won't be any blood left." Responds Ayato darkly.

Ok, all I want to say that I didn't upload this part for so long because I went to Cuba for a few weeks and when I got the chance to go on internet (4 times lol) it was bad af. Sooo yeah that's my excuse xD. I have no clue how to continue this so it might take a while again but I hope it won't be as long as this time.

Thanks for reading.

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