Chapter 6

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Hii, here's the next chapter.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Few days passed since (M/n) had his panic attack, so he decided to avoid the Sakamaki brothers as much as possible, and that he would try to stay calm if he happened to bump into one of them. He still has to eat with them, but the short female is almost always around. However when (M/n) has a chance to be alone, he goes to the garden.
"I knew I would find you here!!" Almost shouts the blonde girl before informing the boy that it's time for dinner.
"You really like the garden, huh?" Asks innocently Yui.
"Ah, yes. The flowers are beautiful and I really like watching the birds and butterflies." Responds (M/n).
"I guess you must really like animals then." Smiles the blonde girl.
"I don't really like animals. It's just that," he stops mid sentence. "What is it??" She asks curiously. "They.. they are really beautiful." "They are free."

After dinner Reiji orders the humans to clean up, since the usual butler has other assignments.
The female washes the tableware and the male dries it afterwards.
"Ugh" mutters the girl, grabbing the attention of (M/n). Looking in her direction, he sees that she cut herself when washing a knife. "Are you okay?!" Shouts (M/n) looking worried. "D-don't worry, it's nothin-" "It's not nothing!" Interrupts her the (h/c) haired male.
"What's with the commotion in here?" Asks angrily the youngest brother. "Ah, where do you have the aid kit?!" Asks the human desperately. Keeping quiet for a while, Subaru finally sighs and informs him about the location of what (M/n) needs. Dashing out of the room, the (e/c) eyed male leaves the vampire and the girl alone.
"Tch.. That cut isn't even that deep. What are you trying to do with becoming friends with him. You think you have something in common with him? Don't make me laugh. If you choose the wrong move, you won't end up living to choose the next one." Subaru says and leaves the room, hoping that she will listen to him, making it less troublesome for everyone.
"Pch, what does he know. It's not like (M/n) will ever like him anyway!" Thinks angrily the short girl as she holds the small wound she made on purpose with a tissue.
"Here's the band aid!" Rushes (M/n) to the female. After sustaining the small injury he tells her to go rest and that he will finish the dishes. Thanking the boy, Yui leaves with a smirk on her face. "I will make you fall in love with me."
At night the (e/c) orbed male leaves his room, going to the garden, since he couldn't fall asleep yet again. Already expecting this, the pink eyed female waits for him in there. "Ah, Yui? What are you doing here?" Asks tiredly the male. "I guess I'm in here for the same reason as you. Haha." Responds innocently the blonde girl. Chatting together for a while, Yui decides that now would be a good chance to take a step forward. She decides to kiss him but his lips pull out, leaving her with a questioning look. "I-I like you (M/n)!" Almost shouts the female desperately. "I-I also like you, but just as a friend."
"W-what do you mean by that?! Wasn't I nice to you?! Didn't I stay by your side when you needed someone." Seeing her mental state, (M/n) decides to lie to her. "M-maybe I do like you that way. It's just I never experience love before so I'm not sure.." Her expression calms down all of a sudden

The next day Yui is even closer to him than before, making rage run through the heads of the vampires. They knew something was up with her, but they thought that she will be smart enough to stop after Subaru gave her the warning. "Well then," chuckles Reiji darkly "we will have to get rid of her."

That same night Yui received a letter written by (M/n).. at least that's what she thought. '(M/n)' asked her to meet in the garden. She thought that he would finally confess to her, but he didn't come. "Where is he?" She thought as she started imagining reasons why he is late, and every single one of them involved the brothers. Begging to worry, Yui decided to go back, only to be stopped immediately.

"You got a warning and you still ignored it? Who do you think you are?" Asks Ayato angrily, not really expecting an answer. "Did you really think he will fall in love with you? Look at your pitiful self!" Laughs Laito amused as he steps closer.
"But do not worry. You will not be an obstacle anymore." Informs Reiji politely, making Yui even more terrified. When she tries to run away, she is pushed to the ground. The brothers bite down on different parts of her body, making her scream in agony. They're not really drinking her blood, but rather devouring her flesh in order to leave deep wounds.

"Stop!" Shouts a familiar male voice, belonging to someone who just wanted to relax in the garden. The only place he felt a bit safe. The brothers do as they were said, knowing that she will die from blood loss anyway. (M/n) tries to go closer to her, hoping he can help her, but the brothers won't let him pass.
"It had to be done." Whispers Subaru into (M/n)'s ear. "W-what does he mean by that?! Was it my fault?  Did it happened because she got close to me?!"
"Come on, let's go." Said the white haired vampire, reaching for the hand of the shorter male. "Don't touch me." Murmurs (M/n), shoving off the vampire's hand as he slowly returns back to the mansion. Angering Subaru with his act of disrespect, (M/n) is pushed to the wall. As the red eyed vampire notices that the human isn't resisting, he lets him go in frustration. "Shit." He thinks as he punches a wall right after (M/n) leaves, knowing that after what the human saw happening in the garden, he won't be able to love any of them.

Heyy.. so I don't really know if you saw this coming, but yeah.
I was wondering if I should put some trigger warnings here in the future. (Just in case.)
I don't want to spoil anything, but I see people using the trigger thingy so just leave me your thoughts.
Anyway, thank you for reading.

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