Fashion Runaway

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~Suga's POV~

Because we have found the temple of Hades, we decided to tour ourselves around the city. Seriously, I just wanna sleep....

"Are all of us here?" Namjoon asked

"Aniyo, Blackpink and Yoomi aren't here yet" Taehyung said

We waited at outside of the hotel, enjoying the peaceful morning, plus the sound of waves crashing and the sound of seagulls. True to be said, our hotel is really near to the sea.

"You know, actually, where are we going?" I heard someone asked and I saw Yoomi

She was wearing a crop top that shows her stomach with a skirt. Paired up with a pair of heels. She let her hair free with a bunny hairband.

 She let her hair free with a bunny hairband

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"Any suggestion?" Coups asked

"How about we play at the beach?" Sana asked

All of us looked at each other then nodded.

~Yoomi's POV~

We walked to the beach, as soon as we arrived, Hoshi oppa grabbed my hand. It isn't a harsh grab more like a gentle grab.

"Why are you wearing that, Yoomi?" Hoshi asked

"Jennie unnie and Lisa unnie forced me to wear it" I answered

"Then that means, I will have to keep an eye on you then" He said as I feel my cheeks getting hotter

"Soonyoung oppa, where are they?" I asked

"Inside the water, probably swimming" He answered

"Yoomi!! Come, look at this" Tzuyu unnie called me

I run to her as Soonyoung oppa trailing behind me.

"What is it, unnie?" I asked as Mina unnie handed me a necklace

"It's a mermaid necklace. It belongs to a mermaid." I said

The necklace had 3 pendants, a mermaid, a pearl and a carved 'n'.

The necklace had 3 pendants, a mermaid, a pearl and a carved 'n'

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