Lose or Maybe Win?

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~No one's POV~

In the morning, birds chirping, people might just wake up and all, but it's different for Yoomi. 

The one's who will go to the underworld are Yoomi, Seventeen and BTS, the rest will be just at the castle

"Are we done?" Yoomi asked as the rest nodded

After a hike, they are face to face with the portal to Underworld.

Stepping into it, they went to to underworld

After searching inside the castle, they were caught.

"So, you came" Hades said

"Give me back my parents!!" Yoomi shouted

Yoomi and the rest tried to fight but it's no use. They were capture.

~Yoomi's POV~

[A Week Later]

A boy came with foods

"You are going to make illusions again huh?" I asked

"No, just it this quick before Hades know about it" The boy, Yuta, said

A few days before, they were whipped, blood spurting and dripping all over their bodies.

"Yoomi, I got a present for you" Hades cooed 

"What again?" I grumbled, I looked up and saw Soonyoung, all bloody

"Let go of him!!!" I shouted

"Weak spot? Hahaha, Kill him Yuta" Hades said

Suddenly, I felt light headed

"Getting angry are we?" He asked as the dark creatures  laughed

My eyes turned red, just like the last time I went onto my killing spree. I felt like Hulk, yet I also felt like Thor, but then, I felt like Spiderman, Iron man. I felt them but I realized one thing, I am not them, I am the princess of Lyte, the 5 hybrid. One packet of legendary princess with Vampire, Werewolf, Fairy, Angel and Mermaid. The princess who contains powers that will change the prophecy once and for all.

The scepter came to me, like how Thor's hammer came to him

I recited a spell and it works.

But I cast fire spells, making the whole place burn

The cages were open

"We need to go!!" Dad shouted

I looked at Yuta as he shook his head

"Go, I deserved this" He said

"No, come with us, and you can be our bodyguard" I said as he and his friend's eyes light up

"Are you serious?" Taeyong asked

"Yes" I said as they nodded and followed us

"Mom, Dad, We won!!" I shouted as soon as we got to Lyte

I saw Yuta and his friends looked around feeling awkward

I was about to tell my mom but dad beat me to it,

"Welcome to Lyte"

"You are not angry with us?" Doyoung asked

"Of course not, I saw through your pure heart, you never enjoyed it" Dad said


Mianhae, I don't what to write anymore

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