[1] Normal Things

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A normal day in Ikebukuro is really hard to come by, seriously, it is. When there isn't an annoying little flea, there's a headless rider chase... When there isn't a color-gang war there's. . . a young man dressed as a prince being thrown off his horse?

No, really.

There is.

Shizuo Heiwajima wouldn't believe this either, but there it was. Well, there he was... A raven haired man, clad in a princely outfit, golden cape and crown included. It was a lucky catch really...

The prince had opened his bright eyes in shock. His cheeks flushed instantly- something Shizuo found odd. Was he tired? Did that happen when people were shocked?

"Uh...are you alright..?" Shizuo asked as he cautiously set the other man down.

It had yet to occur that the princely man was the spitting image of Orihara Izaya... For now, the blond's mind was trying to figure out why the other was dressed in such a fashion.

"O-of course I am!" The little prince huffed and dusted himself off. "I appreciate your catch, but would you kindly refrain from staring like a baffled fool?" The raven shot a harsh glare at Shizuo, which admittedly ticked the blond off.

He held back, though. This situation didn't really call for explosive rage yet... Not yet.

"Uh... Right..." Shizuo's expression flattened- bordering on something more irritated than curious now. "It's funny... I always thought princes were talented with horseback riding..." He smirked- just a little. Provoking this young man might be easier than he thought.

"You- what exactly are you implying?!" The man shouted and reached up to grab Shizuo's bowtie- a real shock to Shizuo himself. No one dared to touch him, especially not while shouting at him. Having been brought down to the prince's level, Shizuo could see just how...golden his eyes were. Cute. Weren't they similar to his own? Maybe...

"Listen, peasant, my name is Orihara Hibiya and I am a prince and will be treated as such. Do I make myself clear?!" The brat- Hibiya, still shouted, despite their close proximity.

That was damn annoying... But so was the fact that this 'Prince' had relation to Izaya... Suddenly, Shizuo didn't like this guy very much at all. Perhaps it was too soon to tell?

Hibiya had let Shizuo go now and smoothed out his gloves- again, odd.

"To make up for this poor behavior, the fool will assist me in fetching my stallion." The raven was demanding him now... Great. Shizuo stood straight again and watched as the Princely Orihara walked ahead, rather quickly. Impressive, considering those boots did not seem comfortable... Then again, neither were dress shoes, Shizuo bet as he glanced down at his own feet.

"Excuse me!" Hibiya's voice shouted as he stomped a boot firmly to the ground.

Shizuo hesitated only for a moment before letting out an irritated sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm comin'..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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