Im just another dreamer...

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Just like all the others

The ones who try

But fail

Because they knock them down

And use them

To complete themselves

Steal their ideas and use them

For their own

I guess I'm just

Another dreamer

Just like all the others

Just a dreamer trying to make it through

Through the realistic dreams...

The nights the worst

So sad.

Waking up...

And realizing what happened was in a freaking dream!

I get so confused...

I want to live in my dreams

Life just seems so much better there.


A world where

I fit.

My own little world.

My dreams are wonderful...

But sad when you think about it

I haven't had a nightmare in...

7 years

And even that nightmare wasn't that bad...

Just driving

Over a cliff

Into a canal

Ha funny that I think about it now

I dream not only at night

But during the day to.

I remember each and every dream I have.

Sometimes I love that

But when reality comes in

Sometimes I hate that.

I guess I'm just another dreamer

Trying to make it through

All the dreams

Trudging through

The reality

You don't know how hard it is for us dreamers... Trying to make it though such a unrealistic realistic world?

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