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I look up to see Pitch, and a bunch a of nightmares, may I add, standing on a cloud of his nightmare sand. I tap Jack’s shoulder and he looks at me. I just simply point up. His eyes narrow and he steps in front of me then after a moment takes off to Pitch. I hold back the urge to go after him and decide to lead the others to somewhere slightly on the safer side, rather than in the wide open.

    “Come on!” I yelled starting to run for the alleys. I hear the footsteps behind me so I don’t to to make sure they follow. I skid to a stop seeing a group of nightmares blocking the way and activate my sword. I use the light attack killing all of them. I decide to keep the sword out but realize my hands are shaking ever so slightly.

    “Jack!” Jamie yelled bringing me out of my trance. I dart to were his was falling and catch him, more like break his fall, skidding down the alley.

    “Thanks Hollow.” He says getting up and pulling me with him. I slightly wince standing on my leg. I look to see a huge skid mark on my calf. I take in a breath of air and close my eyes regaining myself. Let’s just say it didn't work very well. I took a running start and went up to Pitch completely ignoring Jack’s calls. I charge only for it be dodged. Countless attempts of attacks all dodged. I charged once more only to be grabbed. Pitch’s arms wrapped around me and I tried to pull myself but to find even the slightest movement of my arm felt like I was using every ounce of my energy to do so. I’m such a mess what is happening. Next thing I knew I was crying and shaking. I feel to my knees and put my hands over my face. Somehow I feel like I knew this would be happening.

    “Look at you poor thing. What a mess.” Pitch said walking around me to face me. “ It’s all because of your fear. I can take it all away from you. You should have stayed with me from the start.”

    “No. You can’t take it away. You bring fear and only an idiot would believe that lie.” i say standing up and jumping off his little platform of shadows. i end up with the other and fall to the ground. Jack runs to me but Em pushes past him and hugs me.

    “Shhhh... Its alright. You saved me that day. I doesn't matter that you killed that guy. He held you at gunpoint there was nothing else for you to do.” She whispered to me. Oh yeah, I remember now. The lockdown gave me trauma and every so often I would start shaking and crying all because of killing that man. This was one of those attacks. I took in a deep breath and slapped myself a couple of times.

    “Look at you guardians. You’re falling apart. Who will protect you?” Pitch yelled down to us. I look up to see he is in front of a huge wall of shadows.

    “I will.” Jamie said standing in front of Jack. He was followed by other kids that somehow appeared who can see us all. Pitch scowled and he charged forward. “I do believe in you. I’m just not scared of you.” Jamie said holding his hand up as if to stop the force of the huge fucking wall before us. To my surprise it did. Golden sand burst from the spot in between Jamie’s hand and the wall. Sandy?! The sand started to loop around the area, making more and more nightmares turn into good dreams. Kids starting running around cheering looking at the beautiful sight and everyone slowly regained their powers. A hand can into my view and I saw it was Jack’s hand. I took it and he helped me up. Once up I attack Jack in a hug. He chuckled and hugged back and I pulled away to smirk at Jack. He nodded knowing what I was thinking. We flew up and went on either side of Pitch. Everything kinda became a blur in the midst of the fight. Shadows were everywhere and the others came in and helped. We ending up off the rooftop and onto the street all of us cornering Pitch.

    “It’s over Pitch.” Jack said. Pitch laughed and then disappeared into the shadows. We circled around looking and I turned to see him behind Jack.

    “Jack look out!” Bunny yelled throwing a boomerang.. Jack quickly turned revealing to him Pitch towering over him ready to bring his scythe down on him. Before he could do so, golden sand wrapped a

round him, pulling him away. He was dragged over to a blob of the sand spinning around. I started smiling like a maniac. It’s Sandy! Sandy appeared and smirked down at Pitch while on the other hand Pitch look terrified. Sandy uppercutted him the rope of sand still around him and Sandy held onto it. We ran over as Sandy pulled on the rope making Pitch hit the ground behind him, knocking him unconscious.

    “Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes” Bunny said as North laughed and threw Sandy into the air. I smiled widely. I think we just won this. The next thing I know I’m getting attack by Em and Gavin.

    “Hey!” I say in between laughs.

    “You are amazing!” Gavin yells.

    “Thank you. Like I said before I try.” I laughed.

    “Okay, let’s get off of you. I think your boyfriend wants you.” Em says and I look to see Jack chuckling at the scene before him. Gavin and Em let go and I walk up to Jack and pull him to me, smashing our lips together. He smirks into the kiss and wraps his arms around my waist. I pull away and grab some snow throwing it at him.

    “Oh, it’s on!” He yelled. He threw a snowball back at me. The snowball fight spread out until it was everyone. Someone throws one at North and everyone freezes.

    “Your all on the naughty list!” He yells. “Bunny think fast!” He throws one at Bunny and it’s hits him dead center in the face.

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