Chapter 1

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🌹Nobody But Me🌹

Chapter 1

Yn woke up early in the morning to help her mom make breakfast before going to school. When her siblings finished eating their breakfast Yn dropped them off at school and then she headed to her school. Yn parked her car in the parking lot and walked inside the school. She was greeted by her best friends Rosa & Julie who are cousins.

Rosa: Hey girl! I thought you weren't going to make it on time. (hugging you)

Yn: Hey Rosie sorry I'm late it's that there was a lot of traffic this morning. (hugging her back)

Julie: yes! I made it has the bell rung yet? (running over to yn & rosa)

Rosa: well hello Jules let me guess you overslept again or stayed up watching Full House episodes all night.

Julie: you got it, dude! (Putting her thumbs up and then both girls a hug)

Yn: omg! did you just really say one of Michelle's tanner sayings

Julie: yes I did now let go to class before we all late.

After school, Yn and her friends went to the ice cream parlor to hang out and once the girls got their ice cream they went to sit outside at a table.

Yn: wow! I didn't know they made rose shape ice cream.

Rosa: neither did I it looks so beautiful to eat

Julie: then take picture of it before you simple as that Rosie.

Rosa: that's actually a great idea let's put our ice cream cones together.

Yn & Julie: kk

Rosa: okay there so are you guys excited about graduating?

Yn: yes! Although I'm a bit scared cause I haven't found an apartment yet or a job. looking down sadly)

Julie: oh don't worry about that girl I actually was having the idea that the three of us can live together. (cheering her up)

Rosa: Julie that's an amazing day and if you are worried about getting a job can always work with us. Our aunt owns a bakery we can talk to her so that you can get a job there.

Yn: thanks, girls you guys are the best and I love that

Rosa & Julie: No problem.

Yn: well it's time for me to go home see you tomorrow at school. (Standing up to give Rosa & Julie a hug)

Julie: we should get going to bye Yn! Rosa: Bye Yn we should get together tomorrow and go shopping for a graduation dress.

Yn: yea we should bye girls

Yn got home on time to make dinner for little sisters, brother, and mother. Unfortunately for Yn, her parents were divorced she lived with her mother and sometimes she would stay with her father. Dinner was made so Yn served her sibling's food. Yn's mother was still working and didn't come home until 9:00 pm. Once her siblings finished with their dinner Yn put them to bed then went downstairs to clean the kitchen. A couple of hours later Yn was finishing up her homework when her mother walked into the kitchen.

Your mom: Hija, I'm home where you?

Yn: I'm in the kitchen ma!

Your mom: Hi hija how was school today? (kissing you on the cheek)

Yn: Good ma how was work?

Your mom: Tiring but it was good I can't complain. (sitting down at the table)

Yn: that's great ma I made some dinner and warm tea for you let me just heat the food. (getting up Preheat the food and handing her a cup of tea)

Your mom: thank you hija I don't what I'll do without when you move out and go to college. (Taking a sip from her tea)

Yn: your welcome ma and I won't be moving too far away. (handing her a plate with preheated food) I'll still come to visit once in a while when I can.

Your mom: that nice to know hija why don't you go to bed.

Yn: if you want I could wait for you till finish eating?

Your mom: I'm fine hija go on to the bed.

Yn: alright ma (putting your homework in your backpack) good night (kissing your mother on the cheek)

Your mom: Good Night hija

Yn went to bed listening to Prince Royce's music like every night. Her dream was to meet one day but for now, she kept dreaming that day will someday come.

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