Meet Sidney Reed

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Aww Monday morning how I hate u. It was 6:30 in the morning and school started at 7:30. Why wake up this early you may ask. Even though I was half asleep I made my way to the bathroom and did my normal hygiene routine then came out of the bathroom to get dressed. I stepped into my closet to search for the perfect outfit. It took a while but I finally decided to wear my sky blue floral dress with big red and pink flowers with my navy jeans jacket and my black ankle boot. My hair didn't take any time I decided to wear it down today. I packed my bag and headed downstairs.

Before I continue let me tell you about myself. My name is Sidney Reed and I am 16 years old. I live with my parents and three sibilings and I attend Danovan High School. My favorite subjects are Maths and Music. I have two twin brothers Daniel (danny) and Nicholas (nicky) who are 10 and a little sister Joanna (jojo) who is 14. I love to sing and dance I practically live on mtv. My motto is NO MUSIC = NO LIFE.

When I went downstairs and into the kitchen I saw my mom placing the breakfast on our plates.

"Morning mom" I said staring at the delicious food in front of me.

"Oh good morning honey" my mom said with a smile on her face.

As I was about to dig into my breakfast my nicky and danny came bursting throught the door jojo was right behind them.

"Good Morning mom" The twins said in union.

"Morning mom" jojo said

"Good Morning my babies" Mom said giving each of them a kiss on the head

So as I was finished with my breakfast I gave my moma hug and  headed out the door for school. But I had to stop next door and pick up my best friend, Samantha.

Samantha Hinds has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We met in kindergarten

and bonded over the fact that we were born 1 day apart.

I honked twice until I saw Samantha coming out of her house. She smiled when she saw me.

"Hey Sid" she said smiling like crazy.

"Hey Sam, what's with all the smiling" I asked.

"No reason I just feel like it's going to be a great day" she said still smiling.

"Ok then crazy" I said making us both smile.

The drive to school was normal. We turned on the radio and turned the volume up to its maximum. We sung along to every song that came on. In no time we reached school I almost didn't notice.

We got out of the car and saw a crowd. It was no other than Michael Danovan and his crew surrounded by girls. Don't check to see if you read wrong people you read right his name is Michael Donovan. Let me give you a little info on him

Michael Donovan is the great-grand son of Willard Donovan, the founder of our school. His dad now owns it and his aunt is the principal. He is the player and bad boy of the school. He is the guy that all the girls flaunt over and he has gotten in more trouble than you can count. I hate people like him, he thinks that just because his dad owns the school he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to, with whoecer he wants. He puts the j in jerk and jackass.

Anyways lets get back to reality

Sam and I went inside to our lockers taking out the books needed for the first period, which was maths. We had a couple minutes to spare so we just sat there and gossip. We didn't even realise that the bell had rung until we saw the students coming into the class room.

"Good morning class" said Mr. Hunter.

Mr. Hunter was one of my favorite teachers. He wasn't old like half of the teachers of the school and he wasn't boring. He was cool, funny and extremely fun to be around, how many students can say that about their teachers.

"Good morning Mr. Hunter" We replied.

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