The Dinner

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When I got home I collapsed onto my bed and let out a big grunt.


"This day could not get worse. " I muttered to myself

Who told me to open my big mouth. As soon as I sat up straight my mom entered to tell me the best news ever ! (not)

"Sidney , honey the Donovans are coming over tonight for dinner so get dressed "

"Mom !?! What ?!? Why ?!? "

"Just get dressed and I will explain later " she said as she headed out my bedroom door.

As soon as she left I went back on my bed and layed there motionless.

I knew I had to go downstairs but maybe , just maybe if I just layed here they'd forget about me. But there was no such luck , Joanna came in and reminded me of our "special guests"

I got dressed and went downstairs to join my family.

After we were finish setting the table , the Donovans arrived.

As I opened the front door I was greeted with a warm hug and smile by Mr.Donovan and Mrs.Donovan.

Just for a split second there I actually forgotten that their son was the devil himself.

As Michael got out of the car behind his parents , he walked straight towards me with a smirk on his face. I wish , I just wished that I could just slap that pathetic smirk off his face

"Stare much ?" He asked as he entered my house

"I Was not staring , I was —"

"Drooling ? Daydream ? fantasying ? "

"About your death ? Absolutely " I hit him with his signature smirk and went to the dining room.

Everybody sat down and after everyone got comfortable Mr. Donovan spoke

"So Sidney we heard from Mr.Hunter that you decided to take up our offer."

"Yea I thought about it and I thought it would help alot with my savings"

"Oh , your saving , what for ?" Asked Mrs.Donovan

"I'm saving up to buy a car"

"You know Michael you could learn a thing or about responsibilities from Sidney"

I could see Michael giving me a death stare through the corner of my eye but I didn't care I still turned around and shot him with the fakest smile there ever was.

"Whatever you say father dearest." Michael said sarcastically to his dad

"Soooo" My mom finally chipped in "How is all of this going to work ?"

"Well Laura , for the next 4 months Sidney will be tutoring Michael in Math , she will be paid $30 a day and of course she will be select the days that she is available."

"That sounds fair enough, right  Sid??

"Yeah that's cool" I simply answered

"So can we leave the kids to work on a schedule" My dad quickly suggested and everyone agreed

The adults went in to the living room and started to discuss what I do not know , which left me in the dining room with Satan's accomplice

"I'm not doing this."

"I really don't care what you want to do , I'm getting paid and that's all that really matters. So let's work on a schedule."

"Like I said I'm not doing this." He said as he prepared to get up and leave.

"It really does not matter because I'm not the one going to summer school." I said with a grin knowing it would get his attention.

"Fine" he said as he closed the door and sat back down where he was before. "But I'm the one choosing the most of the days."

"Says who?"

"Says the one paying you."

"Correction your parents are paying me so I have a saying in everything."

"Whatever , I have basketball practice on Tuesdays , Thursdays from 3 to 6 and from 10 to 12 on Saturdays."

"Well I have music class on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 and Maths Club on Fridays from 2 to 4. So what abouts Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 7 and 2 to 4 on Saturdays."

"No can't do."

"Why not your free on those times and days."

"I know I just don't want to."

"So that's our schedule , I don't wanna hear anything , it's final."

He hissed his teeth and ran his hand through his hair

"I can't wait for this to be over."

For the first time in forever I can actually say that we agreed on something for once

"You and I both."

After a good 20 minutes our parents came back into the room

"So is everything good ?" Asked Mr. Donovan

"Yea it's all been worked out."

"That's good to hear , now who wants dessert ? I made my would famous apple pie." My mom said trying to lighten the tension that filled the room.

Everyone took up mom's offer on her apple pie

"OK , Sidney would like to help me out in the kitchen ?"

"Sure mom"

I followed my mom into the kitchen and helped her slice the pie for everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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