Hermione POV.

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"I don't want to go, I have to study for the O.W.Ls!" I protest, but Harry and Ron tackle me, so I end up under the whole lot. They want me to join them in The Three Broomsticks Inn, but I'd rather not go since it's a double date. Harry and Ginny, Ron and Lavender. And me: the fifth wheel.

"C'mon, 'Mione. Maybe you'll find someone handsome. Please?" Ron winks jokingly at me. I answer him by rolling my eyes. Everyone knows that I'm not even remotely good at relationships.

"Okay, fine," they applaud, but I'm not finished yet, "on one condition: I want to go to The Hog's Head instead." They look skeptical about my choice, but agree. I, myself, don't know why I want to go there. Maybe because there isn't as many people there...


We've been here for exactly 34 minutes, and I already want to kill myself. All of my friends are getting intimate with each other, except for me, of course. I'm feeling quite uncomfortable where I sit, the loner that I am.

    Suddenly, the door is opened and in steps a raven-haired beauty. My eyes immediately follow the gorgeous figure moving towards the counter. Her long, curly, black hair bounces on her back as she sits down and orders a drink. She's dressed in a sexy, black dress laced tight with a corset. Every thought about my stupid friends are suddenly forgotten. I am so completely lost in her beauty that I don't realize how hard I'm staring until Harry points it out.

    "Are you okay, Hermione?" He asks carefully and follows my gaze. I nod embarrassed, resting my eyes elsewhere. The others look weirdly at me before continuing their conversation about Love Potions and its effects on people. I catch myself staring at her again. I can't help it, she's awfully pretty. There's something really attractive about her prominent cheekbones and her heavy lidded eyes. In the end, I can't stand it anymore.

    "Do you guys want something more to drink?" I ask my friends, already standing on my feet. They give me their orders, I nod and leave the table. I try to look confident as I walk towards the counter, but fail miserably when I manage to stumble in my own two feet. I lose my balance, waving my arms for a second before I see the stone tiles quickly nearing my face. Her reflexes are good, seeing as she catches me right before I crush my nose on the floor.

    "Oops, would be sad to destroy that pretty little face of yours, wouldn't it?" The woman still holds my arms in a tight grasp. Her voice sounds soft and flirty in my ear. My face goes completely red as I stutter out an embarrassed 'thank you'. I try to pick up my crushed dignity from the floor by awkwardly ordering the drinks.

    "And one butterbeer for me, please." I finish my order and rest my hands on the counter.

    "You should order Firewhisky instead. Butterbeer is for losers..." Her snarky comment comes with a smirk plastered on her face. I stare at her.

    "I can't drink that, it's full of alcohol!"


    "So, I'm underaged. Besides, alcohol isn't good for your body. It goes to your head, then you start to behave badly, unaware of your own actions. And then it is absorbed-"

    "Oh my god. Don't tell me you're one of those know-it-all girls. You should live a little, instead of sitting with your nose buried in a book every waking minute of your life! Geez..." She catches my attention immediately, and I glance carefully at her. She just gave a completely accurate description of me.        

    "How do you know?" I ask her slowly while sitting down on the bar stool next to her. She meets my eyes, and for a moment I can see a softness flickering behind her tough façade. Then she looks away.

    "Because I used to be one of them." She shrugs, avoiding my examining look.

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