Chapter 3 ♛

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Chapter 3

Song: Life Happens by Brandon and Leah


I woke up to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. It was the most peaceful way to wake up. I laid their in bed not making a sound, just thinking. Of what exactly? I don't know. I looked around at my surroundings, the light was coming in through the window just perfect. My peace and quite was soon interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I pulled the covers off of me and sat at the edge of the bed

"It's me" I heard My Mother say

"Coming" I slipped on my slippers and walked to the door, turning the knob to reveal My Mother, "Morning" I greeted her

"Good Morning sweetheart" She walked inside, like usual, "Were going to an event" She grinned

"What type of event?" I asked her sitting back down on the bed crossing my legs

"There will be dancers with fire," When she said 'fire' my eyes grew big

"Wow" I said, I don't know if I said it sarcastically or I was really amazed

"It will be lot's of fun" She clapped her hands,

"Alright" I giggled

"Get ready" She walked the door and closed it behind her

I laughed at my mom, she could be so childish sometimes. I went in to the bathroom.

I never noticed how big the bathrooms are, they have a huge mirror that almost covers the whole widow, there is a sink that is all marbles with white pearls in the edge. The shower was big enough to fit 20 people in it. It was all glass, but it head a pink curtain around it.

I looked in the mirror and made wired faces, like every morning. It was sort of a habit every time I looked in the mirror I would make wired faces. I put my hair in a bun and washed my face, and teeth. I striped down and got the water running. I waited for it to be just right, not to hot but not to cold. While I waited I put my phone on the deck and went to my music, I loved listening to music in the shower, The music made it less silence. I got it and just stood their getting used to the water, I started to sing along with the music.

About what felt like hours, I turned off the water.

I heard footsteps outside, but I figured it was coming from the hall way. I mean I locked the door, right? I took a step out of the shower I took my towel and dried my self off,

"Hey are you- oh my" A voice startled me from behind

I turned and saw Justin standing right there, at the door!!! I screamed.

what is he doing in here,

"Justin! Cover your eyes" I tired to cover my self with the towel but I had taken the smaller one for the hair.

"Sorry!"Justin quickly covered his eyes and turned around, but he hit himself on the wall.

When he was finally out I just stood there in shock. 'Justin just saw me naked' Justin just saw me naked!' I was breathing heavily. I wrapped my self with the towel, the bigger one, and ran to the door to lock it.

I started to get ready.

*30 Minutes After*

I looked at my self in the mirror. (Outfit on the side)

I walked down the grand stair case, everyone was already there by the door, I was the last one to make it out.

I could see Justin looking at me as if I had something on my face. It was already a little awkward that he had seen me naked, I hope that that's not why his watching me. I smiled at him awkwardly, he turned around very fast. We don't all fit in the Rang Rover so that means...

"Ariana, Sweetie, would you mind driving with Justin?" My Mother said

What was I supposed to tell her, ' No Mom Justin saw me naked so I can't ride with him in the same car' yeah right I would just embarrass Justin and My Self

I sighed, "Sure Mom" I gave her an extra sweet smile

"Great so where all settled" Pattie put her hands together, "Everyone in" She cheered

I looked over at Justin, He was wearing something on the more formal side. No not a tux, that would be a little to over bored since it was an outside event and it wasn't like a formal dinner party. He looked nice, to be honest this side of him made him look even hotter, but I never said I don't like his bad boy style ;).

He didn't look at me, I guess he didn't want to make it even more awkward, I could see his cheeks were red, but not as red as mine. I walked to his car with him, Justin opened the door for me. I got in and buckled my seat belt, soon he got in and did the same. We were behind the Rang Rover so we had to wait for the whole family to get in first and start driving so we could. It was silent, that is until Justin broke the silence.

"I, uh" Justin looked straight ahead, "I'm sorry" He said, I could hear a giggle escape his mouth.

"Are you laughing?" I asked in a 'hurt' full tone, he new I was joking,

"I didn't mean to walk in on you," Justin smiled looking straight ahead, "Plus you should have locked the door or something"

"Uh I didn't realize someone would walk in on me taking a shower, and it was my room" I said making 'my' stand out

"I thought you where, I don't know, doing your make up or something," He shrugged

"What ever" I laughed, "And I forgive you" I didn't look at him, I looked at the road.

"You looked really hot tho" He said said in a very low whisper I almost didn't hear him

"Ah!" I punched him in the arm, joking.

Soon we arrived at this resort type of building, We got out and the cars where taken by valets. At the entrance their where these girls dressed like those grass skirts and flowers around their necks and stuff. The showed us the way where the 'party' was at. They laid us to the back of the building, had a perfect view of the ocean. There was a empty space between the tables, am guessing it was for dancing or entertainment? We greeted the host of the part, I guess she was a very good friend of My Mother and Patties. We sat on this big table, everyone fit. My Mother was sitting next to Amanda, the host, Pattie was on the other side of Amanda, Jeremy was next to Pattie, Justin was next and then me.

Food was brought, It was more like lunch, we eat talked, mostly the adults. Once in a while I Justin and and I would talk. The dance floor was filled with people starting to dance, I watched as Pattie and Jeremy dance back and forth. That doesn't mean their getting married or anything, It was nice they kept a close relationship, it was cute.

I felt a light touch on my shoulder, I turned around and it was Justin

"Do you wanna dance" He asked me.

My cheeks turned bright red, I got butterflies in my stomach, I don't even now why

I smiled at him

"Sure" I said shyly

He got up stretching his hand to me. I gladly took in and we made are way to the dance floor. I stood their waiting for him to make a move, I wan't going to be the first to move. He let out a small laugh, he noticed I was nervous. Justin placed his hand on my waist and with the other he took my head and planed it on his shoulder. I was still bright as can be. And with my free hand he took it with his, My fingers fit perfectly between his, My head was small but it fit Justin's just right. We started to move with the rhythm of the music.

I swear if I wasn't living this is would be like someone took it out of a movie and placed it in this exact moment.


I know it's a short chapter, but I will start writing longer ones

when I get more reads and votes. :)

Please share this story if you like it so far, I promise it will get

better I just need more reads :)

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