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Tiana Williams.

I kept my eyes straight as I strolled through the halls of Lakeview High.

I absolutely hated this school, and it's only been my first year here.

To answer your question, yes, I am a freshman.

Moving from my comfortably in a small middle school, to transferring in a big wonderland called High School.

Even though I knew quite a lot of people that I previously went to school with, I still didn't find myself warming up to the big folds yet.

And it's already been mid-year.

I sighed to myself, as I glanced at a few smiling faces from people who greeted me with either a small wave or a simple "Hey Tiana".

It was nothing new.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not known around this school, I'm just a little familiar to the freshmans and about 1 or 2 sophomores. No one else above that category.

By the way, let me introduce myself properly.

My name is Tiana Williams.

Pretty obvious right?

14 years old, born and raised in the heart of Detroit Michigan.

Average height of 5'3, dark skinned with mid section hair that flows down my back.

As if that matters.

Anyways, I really have no type of talent, except for singing.

Thats my absolute passion, and I've been consistent with it since I was about 9.

I would sometimes sing at the local charity events, outside my town houses, and even at my grandmas church.

Its my life.

And one day I would like to pursue in it, but it's not that serious.

Moving on, I am an only child and I live with my dad, around the corner from the school.

Ironic right?

Im really a house baby, I don't have 'real friends' where I could just sit out and hang with them outside of school all day.

Shit, I don't even have a boyfriend.

And I would like to keep it that way until I can find somebody that I can trust with anything and everything.

But until then, my life shall remain it's normal ways..

Justys Mills.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself as I entered my first period.

I was late once again.

Im already fucking up, and it's only my sophomore year at Lakeview High.

I sighed as I walked in, already prepared to being stared down as I handed my teacher Mr. Banks my tardy note.

He done his usual routine at making smart little little comments about how I'd be receiving a fine ticket at the end of the school year for so many tardies, but did it really look like I have a fuck?

I mentally rolled my eyes as I made my way to my seat, zoning in and out of this teachers boring ass lesson.

The name is Justys.

Well, that's if you didn't know.

Im your typical 15 year old lightskin.

If that's what you wanna call it.

I stand tall at the height of 5'6.

I know it's a little over average for a girl, but who really gives a fuck.

One thing that occupies my time?

Thats running track and playing basketball.

I was at the top of the list for very girl best athlete.

Im very serious about my sports, and I wouldn't give them up for the world.

That's really the only thing that took my mind off of things, and my situation at home.

You see, I live with my grandma, in Detroit due to my mom being in rehab somewhere in California, and my dad being no where to be found.

I moved out to detroit about 3 years ago, and I'm surely getting used to things.

It did bother me at times, about my situation but I don't let it get to me.

Its life, shit isn't perfect.

I don't think it ever will be either..

Kayla Jones

Ignore them Kayla. Just ignore them.

"Aha, look at her shoes bro. Who wears air forces with a romper my dude."

Daniel, my former bully yelled across the room torwards me.

Everyone in the lunchroom tended to burst out in laughter.

Everyone, except me of course.

I just shook my head, as I hurried and grabbed my food, soon speed walking to the nearest restroom.

Where I found the biggest stall and sat down and ate my food.

I know it's pretty disgusting, but this is the only way that I can keep peace.

My name is Kayla, and welcome to my daily life story.

Im a 16 year old junior that attends Fair Fax high school near Bronx, New York.

Carmel skin. Short, curly hair. 5"2.

Yeah you'd expect me to get all the guys right?

Welp, your wrong.

Ive been getting bullied since my freshman year of high school.

At first, I would cry everyday coming home from school.

Burying my face in the pillows.

Wondering what was I doing so wrong to get treated this way.

But then I found out maybe I deserved it.

Maybe it was bound to happen.

So now, I'm pretty much used to it.

Of course it still hurts, knowing that almost the whole entire school hates you for no absolute reason.

But what more can I do?

I get made fun of the way I dress, walk, and even talk.

You see, I'm not the ordinary.

I love mix matching clothes together, making my own material as well.

I mix 90s and 80s together and form it in a style of my own.

But I guess it wasn't good enough.

And as far as how I walk and talk?

Well I have braces. Which causes a slight form of lisp. I'm Also pigeon-toed.

So that should answer your question.
How do I survive all of this?


I love doing poetry, and all types of it.

Its my only way to get my feelings out, besides talking to my mom.

But it seems as if I need something more than that.

I need someone to break me out of my shell.

And maybe teach me how to stand my ground.

Until then, I guess I have to continue to face reality.


Authors Note: Hey! these are the 3 main girls in the story so far. More will be added later on😘 And this will all make sense to you later on !

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