I am the moon in the night
I am sometimes not there
No one helps me see the planet
That I love, so dearly
Sometimes there are days where clouds are in my way
And others where I am full
I shine and everybody looks up to me
Sometimes I can't take it all and only show a little of me
For people are being too harsh
I am the moon in the night
The brightest thing you will see at night
I am unique and no one can take that from me
I am who I am
I can not be strong all of the time
Nor can I be weak
I am allowed emotions
I am the moon in the night
I have a rebellious side that no one sees
The side that I hide from everyone
I guess it's not just rebellious
Its everything people don't see me as
People always tell me to be full
To never change
To stay
No one will tell me what to do
I am the moon in the night
I will always be who I am
No one can stop me
Or tell me to stop
For I am the moon in the night
And No one
Can Take That From Me
The Moon
PoetryThis is really just a poem that can relate to everyone. I hope someone will find use in this. Or similarities to themselves. It relates people, normal people to the moon.