Chapter 7

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Everyone in the Home Room muttered greetings, except most of the girls who gave high pitched giggles or said hello either too enthusiastically or really shyly. Aden shook his brownish hair a little and swept it to the side before giving the Home Room (mostly the girls) a rather amused half smile. Some of them began to blush.

"I don't see what the deal is with those girls" I whispered to Felix. "well, they are those over-dramatic girls that hang in the cafeteria and date at least two guys a month" chuckled Felix, watching as one of the girls began to flirt with Aden.

"well, those girls will be in for a disappointment when he finds a mate" it was kind of evil for me to think like that, but for some cruel reason I found myself imagining half of them crying their eyes out for five minutes before moving on to the next cute guy who came along.

Felix simply made an amused noise of agreement and I could see him smiling. Then he started imitating Aden shaking his hair out and then sweeping it aside again. That had me giggling as bad as those try-hard girls.

"careful" Felix warned playfully "or you could end up like them.

Five minutes later we escaped the stuffy Home Room and into the cool corridors with lockers lining the walls.

People we just beginning to file out of their Home Rooms and make their way to their lockers to prepare for their first classes. I always enjoyed the first ones the most because we did the least work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those girls who doesn't value the fact that she has an education, I jus enjoy quiet classes where I can draw effortlessly. Those classes are always the best.

"show me your time table" Felix said in my ear, because most people were shouting to have their voices heard by their friends, over the top of everyone else.

I handed it to him as we made our way down the corridor, trying to find a place with not so many people.

This made me realize that I hadn't exactly been taking a proper look at mine.

So, over his shoulder, I read through my time table:




History and Theory of the Supernatural


Mission Training

Design and Creativity

"THAT'S what they gave me to replace art?!" I asked in a disgusted voice, looking at Design and Creativity "But.... What about art??". Felix could tell I was disappointed.

"Look, we're in mission training together" he pointed to the bold words that read that class. I knew he was trying to change the subject just to cheer me up, but I couldn't help asking..

"What's mission training?".

Felix seemed to expect the question.

"it's kind of a track class" when he saw my confused expression, he added "We do things like strategical thinking, maps, bush walking, a little bit of history on past famous pack members... Stuff like that. We do a lot in the forest too!" this got me a little excited. I stared at the paper, ready to ask more questions.

"what's... S.E?" I asked, staring at the letters.

"Well.... There are multiple ways I can put it" he began. "give it to me straight" I shrugged simply. "Sexual Education" he smirked at me, watching my face change from curious to disgusted.

"EW!" I squealed. "oh calm down" he smiled "everyone in our year has to" I rolled my eyes at him and tried to change the subject. I found the words 'Theory and History of the Supernatural'. So I asked what it was. And Felix, being the guy with all the answers, told me.

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