Chapter 6

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I was in a graveyard, the sun warm and bright on my face. But the graveyard was full of crows, squawking and cawing in a deafening manner.

A guy stood in front of an archway shaped grave a little way off, but apart from him and the large infestation of noisy birds, the place was empty.

"sir?" I called "excuse me, where am I?".

This graveyard looked strange.... Almost like I'd been here before but couldn't remember it.

The man didn't turn to look at me, in fact he made no noticeable reaction to hearing someone call him.

I walked down the mossy cobblestone path, noticing that I was wearing dark boots that were almost combat-like, except black.

I approached the man, moving past the crows as I walked. It seemed that I felt some need to be delicate and care for them.

Then a voice that seemed to echo slightly and seemed to come from me, said "I didn't expect to see you here, Alex. Have you come to pray for forgiveness?". The man turned and revealed himself to be no other than Alex, looking slightly older than when I'd last seen him in my other dream.

"Not forgiveness" he sighed "I didn't expect to see you here, Estelle". The voice chuckled and moved to stand next to him. I went to glance at the grave but a strange force seemed to stop me.

"I did not wish for him to die" he sighed and ran a hand through his light hair.

"It wasn't your fault, everyone dies one day. But it was war that killed him" the voice said sympathetically. Alex glared at me, "Estelle, how can you say that?! You know the story". Estelle sighed "I'd learn to be careful, after losing those you love" she paused, before asking "Is there something your hiding from me, Alex?".

Alex scrunched his face up in pain, "there was a child, Estelle". He didn't seem to want to say too much.

Estelle's voice sighed.

"She's from South Field, is she not?" asked Estelle's voice. I watched Alex nod slowly.

"she will be fine, the ones of the South are always strong enough to rebuild" Estelle reassured him.

And suddenly the word grew cold, the temperature seemed to drop dramatically. The sun became brighter and brighter until it was blinding. The dream faded and I was brought back into the real world.

"get up, lazybutt" Isabelle had ripped my blanket off me. The sun hit my face, shining through the window.

Isabelle grabbed my pillow from under me and started hitting me with it.

"ow... Ow... OW! Okay I'm up! I'm up!" I jumped off the single mattress and folded my arms at her. "you idiot! You messed up my bed! It's going to take me forever to make! What do you want anyway?!". She smirked. "it's school time, Jess" she threw the pillow at my head, but I caught it before it could hit my face. She fled from the room laughing and called after her "breakfast in on the table! Get dressed you have half an hour!".

Half an hour?!

I threw on a pair of creamy brown shorts and my leopard print shirt. I added a pair of white and brown sandals and made sure I had a white crop top to add some contrast. I gave myself a quick check over in the mirror to make sure my outfit worked before approving, grabbing my hairbrush and brushing my hair as I took the stairs two at a time. I found myself in the kitchen where a box of recently open cereal sat on the counter and a bowl and spoon had already been prepared for me.

"hurry up or you're walking" Isabelle was sitting at table, finishing the remains of her cereal. The keys to her car were next to her, along with her wallet. Her schoolbag was resting against the table leg, stuffed full of everything she could fit, including all her books and such.

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