An Early Summer Morning

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Sitting alone in a tank-top.

In a too hot room

with loud music.

Brother in one room.

Mother and father under the same roof for the longest time

in 17 years.

I never thought

I would come to enjoy the time we spent

as a "family."

Just mother, father, and daughter. 

Dancing in the car.

Breakfast at McDonald's.

Watching Netflix.

But even as I await for the time to come for you to leave again

I'm glad you came.

I'm glad you had fun.

And as much as I don't like you sometimes

I'm glad you're my dad 


'Sup guuuuys. It's currently 1:52am right now, and the music I linked was the song I was stuck on when I wrote this. All of my friends know my dad lives in Arkansas and I'm a 25 minute drive away from my mom. Well this weekend, my dad flew in to see my graduation! (I'm out of high school wooooo!!!) I was a little worried about how my friends would take to meeting him, but it turned out great and I was happy. He's been casually staying @my mom's house and today was his last day in Wisconsin. He leaves in about 3 hours to catch like a 6 something am flight, and idk, I was in the mood to write something about him. Before anyone asks, my dad didn't leave us and my mom didn't give me up. It's a loooooong story and maybe I'll write about it, maybe I won't, we'll see lmao. Anywhoo, I hope you enjoyed this! Have a great night/morning/whatever my lovelies ♥♥

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