Day Four

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March 27
Dear Diary,
So I guess this is the end of mine an Katana's friendship. I know it's only been "a little while" but it feels like forever without her. I'm depressed all the time and you can just feel it radiate off of me when I walk down the halls. Everyone has always been pretty rude to me even if I was nice to them. Without Katana here to help me stand up to them I'm pretty much just a loser. I have no one. Well except you but you're just a book and books don't stand up to people, or well, bullies. I don't want to talk to Ms.Diane because everyone says that's she's mean and and scary. But even if she was it wouldn't make sense for her to run an orphanage and take care of kids. I really thinks she's just doing her best and everyone just misinterprets it because they're ungrateful, arrogant, and inconsiderate children. They're mean and awful and I just wanna never see them again! No one even cares about me I doubt anyone would even notice I'm gone. I guess I'll just have another horrible nightmare-filled sleepless night Diary.
Phoenix Serinus

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