First Day

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~2 Weeks Later~

Ariana's POV:

It's been two weeks to settle into London now and I've gotten to know the place better. So today is my first day at my new school. What fun. I got up and had a quick shower so I could plan on what I wanted to wear for the first day. After my nice warm relaxing shower I decided on wearing my white jumper that said 'I ♡ HATERS' on it and some short shorts with slight rips in them with a pair of vans. I kept my hair natural and put on foundation and mascara. Once I had finished I went downstairs to have some of the pancakes Mum made for me since she had work. I quickly brushed my teeth and went outside to my little red Swift and headed off to school.

~At School~

When I arrived at the parking lot at school I noticed all the different groups. The nerds, the jocks, cheerleaders, sluts, the normal people that just go anywhere and the Bad Boys. I noticed one thing. Harry was apart of the Bad Boy group but that doesn't suprise me. He's an arrogant prick so he would fit in with them nicely. I got out of my car and walked towards the entrance of the school. I received a few wolf whistles and the occasional 'hi' and 'hey babe' but other than that nothing bad has happened yet.

A girl with bleached blonde hair with fake hair extensions came straight up to me.

" Who are you?" Is the first thing she said to me. Dam her voice was already pissing me off.

"My names Ariana." I said as kindly as I could. She looked me up and down and screwed her face up muttering a few words along the line of 'slut' and 'whore'. I chose to ignore her and walk to the main office. Once I reached where I was heading I saw that the five boys that are called as the Bad Boys were already in there. Funny I didn't even realize that they had walked past me. They all turned their heads and looked me up and down with smirks on their faces. I looked at each of them individually before rolling my eyes at them and walking to the lady at the front desk. She looked at me from over her glasses and looked me in the eye before saying "How may I help you sweetie?"

" Yeah I'm new here and I was wondering if I could get my information?" I asked hopefully the answer would be yes.

"Ah yes you must be Miss. Grande am I correct? "

I nodded my head. She handed me all my information details about what classes I have and my locker combination.

" Hay babe remember me?" Harry asked with that same stupid smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him "Of coarse your the obnoxious try hard that thought he was all top shit at my house the other night when in reality he's just a little prick. How could I forget you." He gave me one of the deadliest glares I've ever seen before standing up his friends joining him.

" You better watch that little mouth of yours princess. " He said before walking off with his little possy behind him. I watched as they walked off down the corridor with the slutty group following after them.

One of the cheerleaders came over to me. She had jet blck hair with peircing blue eyes and a nice figure.

" Hi you must be the new girl." She stuck her hand out for me to shake it. I kindly accepted the hand shake and introduced myself. Turns out her name is Rae and she's in the same grade as me. We also found out that we had every class together which was great cause now I won't be so alone.

"Okay so this is the rest of the team. This is Jane, Hailey, Tessa, Mandy and Kate. They are the rest if the cheer team. Guys this is Ariana." I said hay to all the girls and turns out they're all really cool people. All the girls had dark hair it was either black or brown none of them were blondes considering people would start to believe those stereo types. Turns out that they want me to join the team. We don't go to competitions or anything only cheer for footy games and all that. I agreed to their off and we went to my locker to put my stuff in their. Rae kindly asked the office lady if we were allowed the first period off so we could decorate my locker. She agreed to it so we went out and got all the things we needed.

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