Awkward and Angry

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Ariana's POV:

I was sitting at home it was a Friday night and I decided that I wanted to see Harry. For the last few weeks me and Harry have been getting really close. We've been hanging out together and we might kinda just kiss eachother like all the time.

I looked through my phone and saw he sent me his address one day so I got to my car and drove off. On the way there I couldn't help but smile the entire time. When I finally arrived I walked up the small amount of steps and to his door. I could hear noises coming from inside the house so I thought I would check through the window to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything. When I looked through the window I saw something I never thought I would see. Harry was on the couch with another girl having sex. I let out a loud sob thinking he wouldn't hear it but unfortunately he did. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me through the window. Guilt was clear in his eyes. I ran down the steps and straight into the car and drove home as quickly as I could. I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran straight to the bathroom and grabbed out my razor and broke it so I would only have one of the blades. I lifted up my pants so it was right near my thigh and cut deeply into my skin. Then as soon as I was done with my thigh I went to my wrist and cut lines along it. I dropped the razor next to me and fell limp. I couldn't feel a thing. My whole body was numb, I could only feel the blood rushing out of my skin. I could hear the front door open and slam close. The footsteps were coming closer and closrr until the bathroom door opened up.

" Why did you do this to yourself Ari?" Harry's deep raspy voice asked.

" You were my happiness. I thought you loved me like I love you but instead you broke me." I said in a whisper before blacking out completely.

I heard the faint sound of beeping. It started to get louder until I could hear it perfectly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw all the girls and my parents sitting around the room. I threw one of my spair pillows at Rae's face and she woke up seeing me staring right back at her. After everyone woke up they all left but I wanted Rae to stay because she was my bestfriend.

" Harry has been waiting outside the entire night I'll go tell him you woke up."

"Okay. But don't let him in tell him I never want anything to do with him ever again." She nodded in response.

"What do you mean she doesn't want to see me!" I heard Harry bellow from outside the door.

" You're the one that caused this Harry. I think you're the last person anyone wants to see." Rae said as calmly as she could.

Next thing I knew Harry opened the door and looked at me with hate in his eyes.

" Your a pathetic bitch. I wish you just killed yourself instead of making me out as the bad guy. I will never love someone as disgusting as you!" he stormed off as soon as the words left his mouth. Soon after Rae came back inside.

I sat there with tears in my eyes. No I was not going to cry over him.

" The cuts aren't deep enough for stitches so your still allowed to do cheerleading you just can't do any of the flips until they are better. " she smiled at me. I thanked her and was finally discharged from the hospital.


It was halfway through the day and I was at third period. Sadly Harry was in that class and I had been assigned as his partner today. It was art class and we had to paint a portrait about things we know about our partner. I had to take a picture of Harry sitting there with a blank expression. It was from his shoulders and up. I sketched the picture onto a blank sheet of paper. He did the same with me but I was smiling. On his picture I saw he drew a side that was with all of my favorite things that make me the happy person I am but on the other side is all of my bad things. I noticed he drew my cuts onto the paper. He looked at mine and he saw that there was only one thing that was in colour and that was the word family. He must have noticed the word heartbreaker on there because he stiffened at the sight of it.

After I was done with the drawing I decided to outline everything in black and keep all of it white except for the word family that I ended up making into a galaxy theme. At the end of the lesson the teacher marked all of the work and we had to give our partner the painting we made.

"Why didn't you put your name on this near all my other friends names?" he asked as soon as he looked at it.

" Because I'm not your friend Harry. " I replied easily.

" I might have hurt you but you don't need to hate me for it." I looked at him shocked.

" You made me feel like I was actually important to the world. I felt like I finally meant something to someone for once. I actually started to like you and I find you fucking a random stranger on the couch. I went home and cut myself because I thought you weren't that type of person anymore. Oh and don't forget that you said it would be better if I killed myself and that I was pathetic and disgusting. Do you want to know what I realised that day Harry? "

" Sure go ahead. "

" I realised that I fell in love with a complete dickhead that has no heart and that I would never be able to have him because he can't keep it in his pants." I said and stormed out of the room.

I decided that I didn't wabt to be at school anymore and went straight home and to bed. I needed to sleep away the pain.


Hay hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Sorry if it was really shit.

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