Frozen: A Survivor's Tale

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Invisible, that would be one word that describes me.  My name is Adam Thomas and I am a junior at Mickville High.  Of course nobody calls it Mickville since its out I the middle of nowhere.  Everyone prefers to call it “Hickville High.”  Believe it or not, my older brother Aaron started that trend.  He graduated a few years ago and is one of the most popular people in the town.  That was a trait that I obviously did not inherit.  The only time I ever got noticed was when I was getting bullied by Carter Masterson.  He was the most popular guy in school, so naturally nobody ever took my side except for Becca and James.

          Becca Benson and James Atkinson are my two best friends.  At least I guess they are since they’re my only friends, but they have always got my back so I don’t question it.  Becca is in my grade and James is a senior.  I have been noticing that they have been spending a lot of time together lately.  At lunch that day I learn why.  I sit at my normal lunch table at the corner of the lunch room alone until Becca and James join me.  There is an akward silence so I take time out of playing with my sorry excuse for food and break the silence.

          “Whats going on, I haven’t seen much of ya’ll lately.”  I ask in my slightly southern accent.  I wait for a answer that I don’t think is going to come, so out of fear I ask, “Are ya’ll mad at me?”

          This get both of their attention.  Becca is the first one to talk, “Of course not don’t be silly.  Its just that we have some news and we weren’t sure how to tell you.”

          I answer in a smart tone, “ Um well you could try just telling me.”  As soon as that answer came out of my mouth James started busted out laughing until Becca gave him a look.

          James looks at Becca with an apologetic look, “ Well Becca and I, well we are kind of a couple now.”  I look at Becca to confirm this.

          When I look at her I learn that it is true. “Congratulations you guys.  I think ya’ll are good together, but why have ya’ll been so distant?”

          James responds, “Well bud I know that you aren’t exactly into relationships, and you probably wouldn’t want to hang out with us anymore.”  He was wrong of course because I would always want to hang out with them and the only reason I’m not a relationship kind of guy is because I have never been in one. Whenever I started liking a girl I got immediately turned down.

          I responded, “ Oh, Im not against relationships you know? I just don’t have much luck in that area.”

          “ I know bud, but you will find someone eventually.” He said is the tone of pity that I hated.

          I acted like I appreciated it anyways, “ Thanks man.” The rest of the lunch was silent and my thoughts turned to the girl that I currently liked, Kassie Mason.  She was fairly tall for a girl and had long brown hair and brown eyes.  I have liked her for awhile now but I knew there was no chance because she was already seeing Carter. Yeah that’s the same Carter that bullies me.  When I go to take my tray up its just my luck that Kassie and Carter are there to. As soon as I see her I instantly get lost in her brown eyes and everything else fades away.  The next thing I remember I have my entire tray of food all over my face.  I guess Carter noticed me staring considering he was yelling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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