Chapter One

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Cher's POV

     It was getting stronger. I couldn't control it. I'm alone and I don't understand. I'm not normal and I knew it . I don't go to school. I was too scared all I knew was how to read and the basics of math. Other than that I was blank.I was full of tattoos, I got them when I was sixteen. But only one stood out to me. It was a small heart shaped colored tattoo. The half was ice and the other was fire. It was located around my hip bone. I got it when I was six. It just magically appeared. they said it was a sign. They abandoned me and left me with a mansion and they send me a thousand dollars a month. They were rich but they left me.

     They said I was and am dangerous. I had a frozen heart.

     I was numb. They never gave me love, instead they gave me sympathy.

     I could feel it coming again. From my frozen heart travelling to my wrist then my palms. It was stronger then ever. And the firs time in 4 years, I let it go.

     Snow bursted everywhere. Snow flakes flying as I screamed in happiness. It was a beautiful sight. Tears streamed down my face. It was locked up inside me. I can't control it because....

I am ice.

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