Chapter two

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Harry's POV

It was getting stronger. I had a burning heart. As well as a burning desire of love. The feeling of being loved. But I got no nothing, not even sympathy. I was always ignored. I never got anything from anybody. I got lots of tattoos. Each has a deep meaning. One stood out. It was a little heart shaped colored tattoo. I always thought that there was at least one person in this world is exactly the same as me.

I wasn't going to stop believing. I stole for a living. It was hard. But then again everything was. I could feel it again.

From my burning heart to my palms and fingertips. but I couldn't let it go. I shouldn't let it go . I'm not going to let it go. I'm trying hard to be normal. To have parents. To have friends. But I'm too scared. Im a coward.

I'm not normal. I can't be Normal because....

I am fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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