Chapter 14

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"I'm just so sick of this."

I buried my face in my hands, trying to choke back tears. I barely noticed Sam rubbing his hands up and down my back in a soothing manner. A part of me wondered why he was being so nice to me when most of the time he was so distant. It usually took a lot of prodding and poking to get him to talk. But I didn't get enough time to dwell on that thought before my mind was once again occupied with the much bigger problem at hand.

Suddenly his hand froze on my back and for a second I thought he was going to pull his hand away but he didn't, he just kept it there and said. "Dan, I think someone's here. The door just..." He trailed off.

I sighed, removing my hands from my face and looking at him. "W-What?"

"Your dad." He whispered and I realized that he wasn't looking at me but behind me and I frowned, turning my head only to find my dad standing there, staring at the floor. He looked tired, really tired, his eyes were bloodshot and his hair a mess. His shirt had a dark stain, like he had accidentally spilt his coffee but didn't bother to change his shirt, not to mention the fact that he looked a little tipsy.

I stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, anything. Maybe he would ask me how I was doing, maybe he would apologize for completely ignoring me for these past few days. Or even better he would say him and Papa made up and that we could go back to the way we were. Maybe we could even go out for dinner tonight. Oh! I could even ask Sam to come with us.

But he didn't.

He turned, didn't even acknowledge my presence and just left. He just fucking turned and left, he didn't even look at me. He didn't even smile at me like he always did. He just-he just-


I swallowed harshly, my hands clenching into fists by my sides. Almost immediately I was filled with a kind of rage I had never felt before. I could almost hear the rapid beating of my heart, the rush of adrenaline and the bomb exploding in my mind. Without thinking I trudged forward, straight into the kitchen and yelled. "Dad!"

He looked surprised, shocked even, as he cleared his throat and said. "Y-yeah?"

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, my voice threateningly low. I barely noticed Sam silently making his way towards me.

"Um, quenching my thirst?" He joked warily, holding up the water bottle as if to prove his point. If it were any other time I would've laughed at his lame attempt at humour but at this point, I just felt numb.

"No! That's not what I meant! What are you doing ignoring me and barely coming home at all?!" I yelled, swallowing. "You cone home for the first time in two weeks and you completely fucking ignore me! It's like you didn't even see me."

He sighed. "Look, Danny, I'm really tired- "

"No! I'm the one who's fucking tired! I'm the one who has to fucking listen to you two shouting and swearing and trying to destroy everything! I can't even fucking sleep!" I shouted but my voice cracked slightly and I swallowed when I felt Sam squeezing my hand in reassurance, which I felt extremely grateful for. "You have no idea how alone I've been feeling, it's like you don't even care about me anymore."

My dad looked taken aback but his expression softened almost immediately. If I didn't know better I would've said he almost looked guilty as he put the water bottle down and looked at me sadly. "I- " He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Danny. I know it's been hard for you but please try to understand that I am trying. It hasn't exactly been easy for me either. I just- " He paused, looking at the floor. "It'll all be over soon."

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