1. What Do We Do Next?

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Riley paced the room. Beside her stood Will who stared at the two people that looked lifeless in front of them. "What do we do next?" She asked the people around her.

Also present with them in the room was Nomi and Amanita who were sitting at the opposite corner while holding each other. In front of them stood Capheus who was keenly observing what Kala was doing. She was injecting another dose of Rocuronium to the bodies in front of them.

"I'm not sure. We have to figure out where they're keeping Wolfgang first because as long as he's with them, we're never safe." Will replied.

"But we can't ask Whispers or Jonas because it'll compromise our plans to bring down BPO once these two wake up." Kala said. She just finished injecting a dose on Whispers and now she was injecting one on Jonas.

"Nomi, how's Bug doing on Whispers' phone?" Will asked.

"He's almost done. Once he finishes the phone, we'll have enough data to bring BPO down." She replied then looked at Amanita. "I can't believe I dragged you into this, hon." She held Amanita's hands tighter.

"For better or for worse." Amanita replied. Everyone's eyes suddenly darted to the two who were sitting at the corner. "What?"

"Congratulations, oh my God!." Riley walked towards the two and gave them both a big hug. So did Capheus and Kala.

"I promise you two, we'll finish this so that both of you could live a happy married life." Will said. He smiled at them then moved his gaze towards Riley. She smiled back at him.

"Where's Sun? And where is Lito?" Kala asked when she noticed that Sun and Lito were no longer with them.

"Sun is outside." When Capheus said this, their consciousness were immediately taken up to the rooftop where Sun was meditating. They could all feel the warmth of the sun's rays as it radiated through them. They could also feel the peace that Sun was feeling at the moment.

And it was over. All of them were now walking beside Lito as he approached the room where Hernando and Daniela are waiting for him.

"I don't know if they will understand me. I don't know how they'll take it when they find out that I'm a different specie. This is like the scandal all over again." Lito said as he walked with his cluster.

"They are your family. They accepted you for who you are before any of this. I'm sure they'll accept you again. Whatever happens, we are here for you." Nomi said.

Lito stood in front of the hotel room door, took a deep breath then knocked. His cluster disappeared one by one behind him.

"Oh my God, Lito! You're back!" Daniela exclaimed. She stood up, ran towards him and gave him a big hug.

"Baby, are you ok?" Hernando followed suit. He also gave his boyfriend a big hug.

"I am. I'm doing better. Family, I need you sitting for what I'm about to tell you." Lito led them back in and had them sitting again at the hotel living room. He sat down and looked to his left where Sun was sitting beside him.

"You can do this. Just have courage like you always do on your films." Sun said.

"I will." Lito replied and nodded.

"Who are you talking to Lito?" Daniela asked.

"Daniela, you know he does this when he wants to be perfect. He practices by speaking to himself." Hernando whispered.

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