Chapter Toe

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Tyler woke, he glanced over to his juan love, whom was lying gracefully on the right of the bed. Ben... Ben the fedora. He stared up and down Ben's sexy body, he couldn't wait to penetrate it with his head, finally.Though his love for fedoras grew vastly ,he stayed loyal to Ben, he knew he would be ready soon,so he waited.

Sensing the temperature rising ,he pounced like a tiger to its prey on top of Ben and bit his lip intently.
"Babe, i want you, i want all of you." announced Tyler.
"..." replied his fedora.
It didn't matter to Tyler that a fedora is inanimate object, incapable of emotions, incapable of feelings, he pretended it was. It was named Ben for a reason, after his celebrity daddy, Ben Bruce. He stuck a picture of his senpai inside of the fedora so that he could be reminded of him wherever her went.

It was later in the day now and Tyler had to go into town to run some errands, of course he wear Ben on his head the whole time, it was inevitable. Firstly, he had to run to the supermarket to get some milk, it was then her locked his eyes on magnificence. Shantel. He never thought he could find anyone as sexy as ben, but he was wrong.A red fedora ,covered in black lace compared to Ben, a white fedora with a black strap. He had to have her, had to. But who would it be? Ben ? Or Shantel?
"I choose..."

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