the battle (part one)

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Lokis p.o.v

"so sky is pregnant? " I said to Layler,  she nodded, I smiled "now?" she asked, I nodded,  she sat on the floor and began to chant, shes wakeing up the dead, now we attack, it is time, without sky, they are useless

Skylers p.o.v

everyone on the ship now knows that I am pregnant, they all kept smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back, but this means they know about me and Tonys 'Fling' I think thats all it is, I hope its not..... "Sky, under the terms of your pregnancy, you probably wont be able to fight" Nick told me, I sighed "ok, but I'm here if I'm needed" I told them all, we had just had news of Loki in the middle of new York,  we were all ready, I wasnt, I sat down in a huff, tony kissed my head and they were off, "so what are you going to do?" Natasha asked me, "I have a plan,  Hawkeye and Natasha,  you guys stay here, watch over us, I'm going in" I told them "be careful" they said as I put on my boots and was off

Lokis p.o.v

"now, you all would of seen me before, I'm back with my dearest Layler and we are here to take over" I shouted across a crowd of gathering people,  one stepped forward "what have the avengers got to say about it?" this female called,  I smerked at her "they don't have a say" I laughed as I aimed for her "loki stop" thor shouted,  I smiled "hello brother" I laughed as the others joined his side "we are here to put a stop to you again" Tony called from inside his suite "your not doing anything without the help of your secret weapon" I told them, they looked confused "what do you mean?" Lucy asked me "without sky and her power your useless" I laughed "they arnt exactly without me, just my power" sky said while landing next to tony "what are you doing here!? your pregnant" tony asked her "I'm here to help" she smiled "you need to protect out baby, you cant save city too" tony told her she smiled "I can you need to trust me, she turned away, tony smiled then nodded,  whats going on "ok, just be careful" tony smile, she nodded

Skylers p.o.v

I turned around to see an army of the undead walking towards us, I took a deep breath "thor, lucy and captain,  you need to get people out of the buildings and to a safe place, Gwen, tony and me, we are staying here and killing zombies" I told them, the nodded and they were off, I got out my sword  "you have built in blades" gwen shouted "I know but they are back up" I shouted she nodded,  we began to slice zombies skulls,  I threw them to the ground then hit them with my sword, tony was useing his lazers on them and Gwen was stabbing them, I was on a roll "Sky, I could use your help" Lucy shouted "I will be back" I said to them before flying off, I lant inside a room where lucy was trapped with zombies,  I slashed each ones head "thanks" she breathed before she paused, she was listening, I waited "Dani, she came to visst me and niw shes trapped, THOOOR GET MY SISTER" she shouted before we were off....

Thors p.o.v

I heard lucy screaming,  I flew off towards her sister, I lant infront of a room full of zombies,  I hit each with my hammer, spilling there brains everywhere, I picked up lucys sister and took her off to a safe place where we put all the citizens "Thankyou Thor,  my sister has told me all about you " Dani smiled,  I smiled too "your welcome" I told her before I was off again

Tonys p.o.v

the hulk was invincible ,  every zombie that bit him, there was no effect,  so that means his sister is amun too, captain had a thick suite, I had my armor,  sky had her plan, thor was a god, I think we are all safe, sky lant next to me "I'm back" she smiled while smashing a zombie agenst the concrete, I smiled while cutting a head off of one, I took a deep breath before we heard a scream.........Gwens scream,  captain had been hit! "ohhhhhhhh noooo yoouuu diiidnt" she screamed the loudest she had ever screamed before a blue light shot from her hands a force field shot around each of us, I smiled and continued to fight, 

Gwens p.o.v

captain began to wake up as I kept a force field around us "what the..." captain said before he touched the force field "don't fricken touch it" I mumbled,  he jumped,  I giggled, " have to know. ...........I you" I told him, he smiled and sat up "I love you too" he told me, we kissed, there were electric sparks, I felt my shield get stronger "um guys, sorry to ruin the moment but......we need your help" Skyler called, we looked around to see more approaching,  great here we go again, I got up , still holding my force field,  I used my telekinesis to pick up weapons and kill zombies.

Skylers p.o.v

"theres more of them" I shouted as I hit zombie after zombie,  the hulk, was killing five at a time, he was a big help, Gwen helped with her force field to, but we were slowly losing the battle,  come on Logan. .....where are you?


seems like sky has asked the x-men for help, more to come  x stay tuned x

-Jodie <(" )


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