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The rest of the week passed in a blur. It was know Monday and I was currently sitting in class daydreaming. Mr brown was going on about some project we have to do in partners, he was reading the names off a sheet of who we were going to be partnered with for the project.

5 mins later.....

''.....Last but not Least Alexis jones with Aiden hemsworth.''

All the girls were giving me death glares.

The rest of the day went by fast before I knew it, it was already home time.

.................later on that day...............

When I got home i heard noises coming from the 3rd floor.
As I was going up stairs the noises were getting louder and louder I followed the noises all the way to the game room.
I slowly walked into the game room making sure to be quiet as possible I walked further into the room and was surprised to see.........

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