Chapter 2 - A New Companion

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I woke up to water dripping on my face. I also felt some heavy and fast breathing on my face. I opened my eyes and saw a furry, big, black and white shadow figure. I freaked out because I didn’t know what it was; more over it was still dark. I sat up and the thing gave a really loud ringing bark and charged at me. I thought that it was going to eat me. “DON’T EAT ME!!” It gave another bark and pushed me off balance to the ground. It licked my face and for a moment there I was scared and shut my eyes tight, terrified, but I don’t feel any gnawing on my face. All I felt was this big, wet, warm and soft tongue on my face. When it stopped licking my face, I slowly opened my eyes. The sky was still dark, I couldn’t see a thing and I waited until my eyes adjusted to the dark. Once my eyes was used to the dark, I saw this cutest little dog. It is black and white, and very furry. It does not seem to have someone to go back to and it is soaked. I pat and rub its belly and noticed that it is a girl. I patted her head again and saw something shining on her neck. It was a collar, a dark colored collar with a shiny golden dog tag that shine to the lighting from the moon. I couldn’t read the writing on the dog tag; it was too dark to see. “Read it tomorrow Y…”

I started questioning everything, what the voice is. Who is the voice? Where did the voice come from? Why is it helping me? Even though I loved the voice for the gentleness of his voice I couldn’t stop thinking why. Why me? I still don’t understand when something seems to connect. The voice is somehow similar, I feel like I know this voice for a long time but I never know whom. Suddenly the dog pulled my hand with his mouth, I grabbed the blanket filled with the tools and supplies I take from the box and she dragged me deeper into the woods. She kept on pulling my hands; I didn’t even pay attention to where I was going. The dog let my hand go and dashed. I followed her for minutes until in the end we reached a mouth of a cave. The dog stopped in front of the cave and waited for me. Once I reached the mouth of the cave the dog ran inside and went ahead, disappearing into the darkness of the cave. The cave’s mouth is smaller than me. It was really dark and I didn’t want to go inside. I walked back and forth, still not knowing what to do. Worrying about the dog “Follow the path, Follow it Y…” The voice sound convincing and I ran into the cave “Hey! Dog! Wait for me!”

I slowly stepped inside the cave, thinking only to find the dog. The cave was small and damp. I had to bend my body for me to be able to move inside the cave. As I advance further, the cave got smaller and darker, “I have to find her! FAST!” I started thinking what had happened to the dog, there was no barking from her or any sign of her. The more I think of the dog, the more terrified I get. After walking for miles and miles my legs was about to give up, my whole strength was leaving my body and I was about to pass out, but then.

“Y… Can you see that? Head towards it” The thought then came to me, why? Why does the name that he kept on saying was never clear? It was never clear for my ears to hear. ”Stop thinking about that and head for the light.” The voice was really eager to get me into the light. At first I couldn’t see the light and I thought the voice was just lying to me. Then I saw it, right in the middle of the cave, a speck of light. I thought it was just hallucinations due to everything that happened today, but it wasn’t. As I approach the light it got bigger and bigger and the cave wall got wider. My walking pace got faster on every step, thinking that there was hope for me to survive here.

“This place is called an Island Y… haha” His voice was soft and the sentence ends in a laugh, which made me laugh too. Still the name he called out could not be heard but I didn’t make it a big deal right now, all I wanted is to get to the light. I started running, heading towards the light. Just before I reached the light, I stopped few steps away from the light. I could hear a beautiful harmony of birds chirping, dogs barking, it was beautiful and it is as if they are welcoming me. I can hear a waterfall and I can feel its breeze from the light. “Hear that? They are welcoming you. Go inside” The gentle voice; whispered in my ears, it gave me goose bumps. I take one step at a time, slowly into the light.

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