Voice from the Sky

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Hey everyone! I am Nikki and this is the first chapter of my novel. It is still in progress and I hope you will like it, or better Love It :3

This is the first book I have ever posted here in this website. I love making stories but not good at making one. So I hope you guys can be considerate about my story :3

Stay tuned and follow me for the second chapter of this novel. Give comments and some advices to what I lack in this story :3 :3



Nikki Clarissa 

Chapter 1 - The Voice

"Y... Wake up. Everyone is waiting for you, they are waiting for your return."

I woke up to that sweet and gentle voice, it sound really calming and attractive, I could live listening to this voice everyday. I couldn't hear the name that the voice called; it's all fragments in my mind.

The sun was glaring at my face. I tried opening my eyes but it was too bright to open them. I shaded my face with my left hand and slowly opened my eyes. I got up on my feet and looked around. All I saw was an endless stretch of green on one side and blue on the other. Everything looks very calm and peaceful. The green land stretched really far, I can see the blue right before my eyes. It was really blue and beautiful. I slowly head toward the color blue; I sat down right in front of it and stared at it. I could see a girl, inside it. She have long beautiful brown hair, a V shaped face, and a really pale white face. I couldn't take my eyes of her, it’s just like sitting right there, in the blue, a beauty everyone would love to help. I decided to have a conversation with her "What's your name? Do you need help?" the girl did not respond. She look really calm and very sad, I have a feeling she needs help. I stretched my hand towards the girl, but she vanished, all that was left was just ripples of water surrounding my hand. I pulled my hands out of the water, I was amazed at the coolness of the blue and I wondered why my hand didn't turn blue. I looked back down again and saw the girl, the same girl right there. "Why did you run away?" the girl didn't respond again. Every time I tried to talk to her, she never replied. Every time I tried to save her, she disappears. 

"Y... look over there."

"It's that voice again" the sweet and gentle voice seems to take my interest off the girl. I decide to listen to the voice but I still could hear the name the voice was calling out. The voice didn't tell me where to look so I looked left and right, but there it was, sitting at the corner of my eyes, a brown box. I approach the box to get a better look at it. A beautiful little bird was carved in the middle of the box and there were curved lines along the borders of the box. I observed the box and saw a keyhole on the front of the box. I searched around to find the key; I bent down, searching for the key that may be on the ground near the box. I sat back up and felt a cold chill on my neck. I reached for the cold spot and touched it. There was a small lump of metal shaped like the key. “Here it is”

“Y… Take it off, open it”

Without questions, I listen to the voice and yank the key, trying to get it off; instead I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck. I let me fingers trace along the key and found out that the key was on a long metal, like a small chain, around my neck. “Lift it. Don’t yank it.” And I did. I lifted the chain over my head and the key followed. I put the key in the hole of the lock. I waited for the box to open but it didn’t open. “Silly girl. Turn the key.” I nodded to the voice and turned the key. The box unlocked and I lifted the cover. Inside, there were lots of things, spread evenly in the box. It looks really neat and tidy. There are books, a mirror, a sharp long steel blade with ‘Sword’ carved on its wooden handle. A big triangle shaped metal on a stick with ‘Axe’ carved on the edge of the stick. Not only that but every tool in the box has its own label according to the names. There was a ‘Hammer’, 10 boxes of ‘Nails’, ‘Blankets’, ‘Water’, and ‘Food’. I stared at the tools and went blank.

“Don’t just sit there and stare, read the book.”

I took one of the books that’s titled “Diary” and read it. On the first page there’s a message, “To Fujisaki Sakura” I turned the page

" To my dearest Sakura,

I'm sorry I had to leave you on this island alone.

Help came while you were away. I asked them 

to wait for you but they wouldn't, they were

trying to leave me behind, so I wrote this book

before I left and left it here in this box along

with some supplies for you to survive. Please

wait for me, my dear, for I shall return for you.

Stay well.


                                                  Kurosaki Yuuta

Speaking of a letter to Sakura, I didn’t even remember my name. That thought snapped into me and I felt confused. “Why can’t I even remember my own name? Why is this happening? Where am I?” All the questions was ringing in my head which cause me to felt dizzy.

Without me realizing the sun was setting. “Hurry run in the woods, find shelter!” Without fast thinking I grabbed everything I can from the box, unwrapped the blanket and put all the tools inside and ran into the woods, disappearing into the night. I kept on running and running without turning or even looking back, searching for shelter, looking left and right for anything that I can use for shelter. Ten minutes has passed, my strength was slowly leaving my body. I looked to the horizon and saw that the sun was no longer shining.


The voice yelled at me but still the voice was still gentle and calming. I was too dazed to hear the voice clearly and slipped on a rock. I fell sideways into a cliff. I rolled down the steep slope with my hands covering my head and my legs curled up to minimize the damage on my head and body. I rolled down the steep slope and hit my head on a tree, the blanket fell out of my hand and rolled down the slope first. I could barely open my eyes and lost consciousness without even reaching the ground.

Voice from the SkyWhere stories live. Discover now