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Harry's POV

It's been two months since we got married. Eliana looks a lot more pregnant now, but no less beautiful. Her stomach isn't too large, but it is quite noticeable.

I missed her.

The only times she'd talk to me would be if she was giving me an update on our baby or if she wanted to talk about Peter. Otherwise, with everything going on in the kingdom, all of our - well, my - responsibilities, I never get much time to be with her.

She moved in to my room with me and gave Peter her old one, like we originally planned. We barely talk though, because most of the time when we come together for the night, she's almost always snoring away on her side of the bed, leaving me wide awake with the fireplace light to keep me company.

I need her.

I changed into night wear and was getting ready for bed when Eliana walked into our bedroom. My smile brightened instantly; she usually is with her ladies right now in the library. I sprung up out of bed and bolted to her.

"Hi" I sang, wrapping my arms around her waist. She laughed and pecked my nose.

"Hello," she giggled. I smiled and kissed her cheek and she giggled softly, placing her hands on my shoulders as I moved closer to her.

"Enough, Harry!" she laughed. I snickered and pulled away and looked at her.

"I haven't properly been able to hold you like this for ages, it feels like."

She pouted with me and nodded, stepping out of my arms to walk around me into our bedroom. She hummed in agreement.

"You're so busy with everything," she pointed out, "I miss you as well, but you are a King now. We have to remember that."

I rolled my eyes and huffed, walking over to the bed and falling down on it. I closed my eyes as I heard her open our wardrobe and rummage around for something more comfortable to put on. The dress she was wearing now looked painful to be in.

Dark green silk fabric hung in over those metal frame things - I still have no idea what they're called - and she wore a black corset with dark green accents. Her sleeves stretched out to her wrists and the only thing I liked about the dress was that the corset pushed her breasts together and made them look more...voluptuous.


I snickered to myself which caused Eliana to close the wardrobe. The sound of the doors shutting made me look up.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked, holding a cotton nightgown in her hands as she stood at the wardrobe. I glanced at her breasts.


"Nothing," I snickered again.

She snorted and just then there was a knock at our door. I sat up and turned towards it, watching Eliana walk past me and make her way towards the door. She opened it to reveal Clary, Bridgette, and Stella.

"We're here to help you get out of your dress, milady," Stella said, bowing. Clary frowned and slapped her lightly on the back of the head, causing both Eliana and Bridgette to giggle.

It was still so weird seeing the two of them together.

"Come in," she said. The girls followed her into our room and they smiled when they saw me. I sat on the bed, crossing my legs and waved.

"Ladies," I nodded, "it seems a while since I last saw you."

Clary looked at me, "I saw you at breakfast today."

Married to Him [Sequel to Arranged to Him] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now