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Addilyn's P.O.V

When I got home I parked the car and ran inside and right pass Mum who looked extremely worried when she saw me crying "Addie what's wrong dear"she say but I just keep running til I got to my room.

When I got to my room I shut the door. And fell on my bed crying until I heard a knock"come in"I say mum walks in and sits on my bed next to me "what happened"she asks "I broke up with James"I answer "why"she asks again "mum he got mad when he read the letter and then walked off and I yell if your not gonna be happy for me then were done and he said fine have it your way"I say crying more "its alright dear your move on"she says as I sit up and hug her "thank you Mum"I say "your welcome dear now start packing you have to leave next week"she says standing up and leaving my room I look around my room and stand up and grab a box and start packing.

//:1 week later://

My room was empty except my bed dresser and everything I can't take I walk downstairs to see Mum waiting for me she's taking me to see dad before I leave.

I quickly braid my shoulder length dirty blonde hair and walk to her and hug her "Mum I gonna miss this place"I say she hugs me back "dear its all right you'll come back when your finished with school"she says on the brink of tears I won't come back for nine years I'm happy because lily is also going we're gonna meet at the air port and fly together.

I haven't talked to James since the break up and I'm still hurting but I'm fine honestly but I miss him.

Me and Mum walk out side and get in the car I get in the​ front seat Mum puts my suit case in the back and gets in "your father is really gonna miss you"she says "yeah"I say.

When we got there day was waiting out side I got out and hugged him "dad I'm really gonna miss you"I say "I'm gonna miss you to"Dad says "Um Addilyn" I quit hugging dad to see Oliver holding a present "hey olly"I say "here its from James"he say handing me it I take it"he says he's sorry and wishes you can forgive him"olly says "tell him this I forgive him but we both know we need to move on"I say "I'll tell him good bye girl"he says hugging me I hug back "bye olly"I say letting go and walking back to Mum I wave just as everyone else comes out I see James he has a look of regret I wave goodbye to him and get in the car with Mum.

When I got to the airport I got out and grabbed my bag and back pack I walked inside and saw lily and her parents I walk to her with Mum behind me "hi Mr and Mrs Gordon"I say as Lily's mum hugs me I hug back "good luck girls"Lily's mum says letting me go my mum hugs me "good bye"mum says I hug her then let go.
Me and lily wave as we got on the plane we sit down and wait for take off.

When we take off I look out the window as we took off into the air I looked at London 1 last time because I wouldn't see it for a long time.

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