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Addilyn's P.O.V
Today's Alan's first birthday and he's so cute.

Right now James is walking around with Alan while talking to his parents about the party today and frankly to see if they can pick up the cake when they come.

After decorating and a little of convincing the kids to take a nap everything was ready to go.

The first to arrive was Katie and Oliver along with Declan , Amber and Skye their kids.

I made sure everything was ready to go everyone arrived like it was on que .

The party was so fun but I was happy that the kids were having fun and everything was at peace.

People came and went until the party was over.

Me and James picked up before going to bed because the kids were already asleep.

We layed in bed for an hour before going to sleep.

History (James Phelps X Addilyn Rickman)Where stories live. Discover now