First Dates

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For their first date, Will took Nico to the beach. Being a child of the Sun God, he couldn't think of a more romantic place to take his new boyfriend. As a child of Hades, Nico couldn't imagine anywhere worse.

It didn't matter how much sunscreen he had lathered onto his skin before going, Nico still got painfully burnt. He looked as if he just had a nasty run in with a Chimera.  Meanwhile the sun had only seemed to make Will glow more. His beautiful golden complexion was positively radiant, which Nico both admired and envied.

When the heat became too unbareable, Will suggested they go swimming. The son of Apollo dove right in, but Nico was more hesitant. He had barely managed to walk out knee-deep before he felt two arms wrap around his midsection and yank him down. An embarrassing yelp escaped his lips as soon as he hit the chilly water. When he looked up Will was standing over him, laughing like a madman. Nico stood up and splashed his boyfriend.

Will splashed him back, and it quickly turned into a game of who could get the other wettest. By the end of it they were both soaked and freezing (Nico was covered in goosebumps.)

To end their date, they both sat on the shore and watched the sunset. Apollo must have really wanted this to go well for his son, because neither of the boys had ever seen anything more beautiful. The sky was a gorgeous mosaic of oranges and pinks. Nico rested his head on Will's shoulder, and tried to remember the last time he had felt this happy.

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