secret santa

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Even though none of the campers were very religious, Christmas was still a big deal at Camp HalfBlood. Every year Chiron hosted a secret Santa party for the campers: they drew names and had a week before the party to buy gifts for that person. At the end of the party everyone had to guess who bought for them and everyone who guessed correct got a surprise present from Chiron.

Nico was both excited and Disappointed when he drew Will's name. He really liked him, but they haven't been going out very long so he didn't want to get him anything too sentimental. After much thought about what he was going to do, he went to Leo and asked him to make a gift for Will.

Leo was touched and agreed to help right away. Over the next week, the two boys spent most of their nights together in Bunker Nine working on the perfect present for the son of Apollo.

Nico was so busy with Leo that he didn't notice how jealous and nervous it made Will. He couldn't help but wonder if his new boyfriend was cheating on him. As much as he wanted to bring it up, he also wanted to hear Nico admit it himself. That's when he decided to give Nico until the end of the week to explain why he's been so distant or else he would break up with him. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he couldn't be with someone who didn't want to be with him.

When the Night of the Secret Santa party came, both boys were shaking. One with Anticipation, the other with anxiety. Will still didn't have an explanation for Nico's absence. Nico had finally finished the gift last night and couldn't wait to see Will open it.

When Will was handed his gift, he was immediately disappointed. Whoever drew His name had clearly decided not to put any effort into it. While everyone else's presents were neatly wrapped in fancy gift wrap, Will's present was inside a cardboard box that had been hastily taped shut with Duct Tape.

He carefully removed the first piece of tape, and the gift transformed before his eyes. The cardboard dissolved and was replaced with the most beautiful holographic wallpaper that the boy had ever seen. Suddenly impressed, Will opened the rest of his gift with eagerness. What he found inside was an elegant golden bow and quiver with a set of celestial bronze tipped arrows. When he pressed a button on the side, the bow transformed into a necklace with a locket with the words you are my sunshine printed on it. Inside the locket were two pictures of Will and Nico that they took on their last date.

With was close to tears, he now understood why his boyfriend hadn't been around the whole time and felt instantly guilty for assuming he was cheating. He ran up to Nico who was sitting with Leo and gave him a long, loving kiss. He didn't even care if other people were watching.

As they were kissing he heard Leo say, "you know... I might be Team Leo but tonight I am definitely on Team Solangelo!"

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