Chapter 4: The sleepover

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As soon as I get home I need to pack my stuff. Fortunately, I have no homework so that's all sorted. I get home and somehow convince mum to let me go. I pack pyjamas, toothbrush and toothpaste, some sweets I've been hiding, my school clothes as I still have to go tomorrow. I also pack some bobby pins to keep my hair up as I sleep with it in two buns. There's some other stuff too, but that doesn't bother you.

Mum drives me to Karina's house and I walk in alone. I have a small pink striped suitcase, a pillow and a sleeping bag. I press the doorbell, with my foot, because I'm cool like that. The door flies open, almost hitting me, and Karina is there to greet me. She takes some of my stuff and we head upstairs. Her room is... something. Very pink and full of makeup, clothes, shoes, accessories, anything a girl like Karina would love.

"Welcome to my room!" She says. Haruhi and Ruri are here and I presume that's all of them. "Look around and have fun, we're gonna have pizza, try on outfits and talk about boys," when Karina says that last part she looks at me. I browse some of her draws and a dusty picture catches my eye. I wipe away the dust and it reveals Gamumei and Karina, standing with Gamumei's dead boyfriend.

"What's that you f- ...ound?" Karina says. She takes the picture from my hands and says, "Sorry you had to see that, I know how annoying that girl is, I just haven't had a chance to throw it away." She tosses it to the side and it lands near my bag. I go to grab it but decide that it won't be a good idea so I turn round and look at other stuff. "Girls, this is a sleepover, let's do makeovers," Haruhi says. I see Ruri sigh, "Alright, it can't be that bad, I mean the new academic year prom is next week, we should prepare," Ruri suggests. "That could work," I reply.

I pick out a dress for Haruhi, Haruhi picks Ruri's, Ruri picks one for Karina and that leaves Karina to give one to me. Great. Just. Great. My dress is going to be ridiculous. I pick a blue, long dress for Haruhi. Is has long sleeves and comes with a jewelled necklace. Haruhi chooses a red dress, it has suit like features. That includes a black jacket, bow tie and a ribbon round the waist. Karina gets the sparkliest dress I have ever seen but when it comes to me Karina has two dresses.

"So, which one do you prefer?" She asks. I point at the short pink one which has a purple ribbon tied into a bow round the waist. The other one is too long and flashy. "Ok then, you get your preferred line if you answer this question honestly," she says hanging the dresses up. "Do you have a crush on Shiro?" I sigh and say, "What do you think? Of course I do, I just don't want to tell him."

"Well, the proms a perfect idea than, one of you are sure to confess by next Friday," she says handing me the dress. "Now go change, I wanna see how cute you will be." I head to the bathroom and put on the dress. I leave the ribbon off as I know Karina will want to adjust it personally. And of course, I am right.

She snatches the ribbon from me and ties it so it only just avoids suffocating me. "Perfect," she chirps. To think this is what I'm spending my night doing, I could have been at home reading, in my pyjamas with Ravenclaw socks on my feet. I change back into my normal clothes, just in time too. The doorbell rings downstairs and we all race down. Karina's mum opens the door and gets the pizza and we dig in as soon as it gets placed on the table.

"Didn't Gamumei really like pizza?" I ask. Why? Why must I ask awkward questions? "Well, yeah duh, who doesn't? But she did seem to be obsessed with it. It was actually kinda strange. Guess that was just another reason for me to leave her." WOW! A genuine response from Karina, and about Gamumei too! Wow!

We eat very quickly and I don't know about the others but I'm certainly grateful for the wonderful meal I just had. We head upstairs and watch some creepy movie. It's called the Doodabook. I'm not going to go into detail but there's some horrifying  thing that wants the kill the protagonists, but that basically describes every horror movie ever made. I'm pretty sure Karina left the room in fear at least twenty times.

I'm not gonna sleep tonight.

When it's ten we are forced to go to bed. Well we do have school tomorrow so it makes sense. I actually fall asleep surprisingly quickly. My dream is lovely, at first. Shiro is there saying nice things to me and suddenly the Doodabook appears. I scream, Shiro most likely dies but I wake up before it happens. It's six am, I actually woke up at a normal time, usually I wake at like four o'clock.

The others wake half an hour later and we get ready for school. Karina's dad is going to drive us there so I dawdle a little. I do my hair and tie it into the usual pigtails and we are driven to school not long later. I'm going to see Shiro!

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