Chapter 14: The dance

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Throughout the whole of Thursday, Shiro and I stay close together. "You two are sooooo cute together!" Kyo chirps.
"Yup, the perfect couple," Ruri continues.
"Are you blushing?" Shiro asks, lifting my face up so he can see it.
"I-I j-just forgot t-to take sunscreen!" So maybe I am still a bit of a tsundere.
"Alright, if you say so," he chuckles, planting a kiss on my forehead.
Halfway through the day, Karina comes up to me when Shiro isn't here.
"Here, your dress from the sleepover, you've confessed, you've earnt it," she says, handing me a bag. "Thanks!" I chirp.
It reaches the end of the day and I can't calm down, tomorrow is the dance.

"Honey, are you sure everything's ok?" Mum asks as I bob up and down excitedly.
"Yeah, is there something you're not telling us?" Dad groans.
"W-well, I might as well tell you. Shiro and I are boyfriend and girlfriend," I murmur.
I expect dad to be furious, but I look up and his face is beaming.
"This is the boy I told you about!" Mum chirps. "You mean the really nice one?" Dad replies.
WHAT. I mean yay, Shiro isn't going to die, but I was certain that dad was gonna go on one of his killing sprees. Metaphorically, obviously, unless someone does die and no one ever told me. Let's just hope no one died and we'll leave it at that.
"How are you ok with that?" I ask.
"You're sixteen, and as much as I'd like to think you're still my little girl, it's just not true. Plus, your mother made me think that this is the man," he replies.
"Well I suppose she's right. The moment I met him, my whole life changed. Everything I saw... everything I heard... everything I felt... everything around me started to fill with glorious colours. It was wonderful," (sneaky your lie in April reference) I smile, getting up from the table. Upstairs, I head to my siblings' room. "Hey Mori, Huni. How are you?" I open the door and sit on their sofa bed.

"What is it?" Mori groans as I close the door. Huni instantly pounces next to me and says, "This is the face of someone who wants some sibling bonding time!"
"Really, what do you want to do?"
Peering into their game drawer, I laugh, "Twister." Both of them really don't like that game and constantly try to hide it from me. But not today! Eventually, I get them to play and Mum volunteers to do the spinner for us. I wanted to do the spinner though, it would mean I would've gotten to watch them suffer. After about five minutes, Mori falls to the floor, losing the game. "We are never doing this again," He moans as I help him up.
"Agreed, I may be as childish as a five year old but that sucked," Huni complains.
"Yeah, yeah whatever, huh," the doorbell rings and Kyo of all people is outside of the door.

"Kyo, are you ok? I thought you were busy tonight," I say, pulling her inside as I try to be careful about her crutches. She's completely soaked from the rain and despite all the clothes she has on, she's shivering. "Well, Kasumi Chan... I need help," she replies quietly. Before she can talk anymore, I zoom upstairs and grab a spare change of clothes and a towel.
"So, what's up?" I ask once Kyo's changed. She drapes the towel over her head and answers, "Well, I want to go to the dance tomorrow, despite not wanting to and being unable to dance, because you lot are going... but mum won't let me go in a hoodie and some jeans." Hoodie and jeans? That's what she was planning to wear. "Look, Kyo, I'll help you. Now, time to find you a cute dress!" I chipper, beginning to walk off.
"NO! Not a dress, anything but a dress. I just don't like them!" Great.
"Well, I'll get you something." In the end, we decide on a cute black skirt and purple top. She thanks me as if I just saved her life, "It's fine, really. You should wear skirts more though, they look cute on you. Why don't you even wear them for school?"
"I'm just not that kind of person. Yeah, I'd wear one if I had to, I just rarely have any reason to consider wearing them," she replies, shrugging her shoulders.
When Kyo leaves, I hand her an umbrella because for some reason she doesn't have one. "See you tomorrow," I wave.

The next night:

Deep breaths, stay calm. I repeat this in my head as I prepare for the dance. To match my pink dress, I tie my hair into a bun and decorate it with a pink ribbon. Shiro is planning to meet me at my house, he says he has something for me. Roses maybe? I don't know.
"Stay calm, everything is fine. Don't worry," I whisper, slipping my shoes on. "I've got this."
Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I instantly race to the front door.

"Shiro!" I smile, opening the door. He's dressed in a black suit and a huge smile is on his face. In his hand I spot a box of chocolates and some roses.
"Hi Kasumi. These are for you," he holds them out as I beckon him inside.
"Thanks! I've got something for you too!" I run to my room and grab the small album.
"It's a photo album, I put some pictures of the time we've spent together in there." It seems like a cheesy gift, however, I think it's necessary we have something like this.
He opens it up and looks at the pictures.

Some are of us at the concert. Another bunch are ones I got from Honey when she was trying to ship us. Believe it or not, they're of a pretty good quality. My favourite is one that Kyo took when we were at the sakura tree, me and Shiro, somewhere were we, well at least thought we were, alone. "This is really sweet, thanks," He kisses my cheek, making my face go red instantly.
"No problem, we should get going now."

When we reach the school building, Miyu, Kyo, Honey, Gamumei, Riyu, Ruri and Rirri are all waiting there for us.
"Way to be late, don't keep us waiting this long again. Boys were saying I look... cute," Kyo groans as we begin to walk inside. "They're right, you know," Miyu says, staying as far away from most of us as possible.
"Please stop," Kyo mutters, quietly.
"How have you two been?" Shiro asks Riyu and Gam.
"Good, I'm not dead yet, so that's something," Riyu laughs. Gamumei nudges him, "Ow, sorry."
"I'm joking, I'm glad you aren't dead either!" Gam smiles.

The moment we enter the room, Honey runs to the chocolate fountain. Miyu and Kyo also head to the buffet area, but try and keep their distance from literally every other person. Shiro takes my hand, "Do you want to dance?"
"I can't dance."
"I was at the concert, I know you can," he smirks, pulling me to the dance floor.
Whilst we dance, I look over to Kyo who has this look on this face that screams: If this were anime music I would be right in the middle of that dance floor, screaming the lyrics.

Because of this, I go up to the DJ and request a song from one of the animes she watches. When it plays her face lights up joy, she is instantly on the dance floor.
She actually knows most of the lyrics and sings them quite nicely. She gets some strange looks from some but it's nice to see her expressing herself, especially in front of so many people. However, when the song's over she goes back to her table with Miyu and begins to eat some cake Honey brought over to them.
"That was... something," Shiro says, as the next song begins to play.
"I'm pretty sure Kyo was replaced with an actually social nerd," I reply, still slightly baffled by her performance.

The night turns out to be one of the best days of my life. Not like anything else, I see sides of people I have never seen before, and even see what I'm like in a proper relationship. Best of all, I spend every moment of it with Shiro.

Authors note: Sorry, and I really mean it, for the long wait. I should really update more, I know, but recently I had exams at school and the fact I made the assassination classroom fanfic as well means I had even less time to work on this one. But we're almost there, I have one more chapter planned that explains why Kasumi is a tsundere. I feel like it's necessary because I don't actually have an explanation for it. The next chapter will hopefully be out today or tomorrow so look forward to it.

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