Chapter Three: First Day (Part One)

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           Hello my lovelies! I just had a rough day at school, so what better thing to do is write a fanfic chapter based on it! Now without further ado I present you with (drum roll please) Iris', Violet's, and Vera's first day at Hogwarts!


"Wake up!" "Ughhh, five more minuets...." "Get up, you fool!" "Nooooo......" "....... I'll make your cat into Chinese food." This got my attention..... "WHAAAATTTT!!!!!!!??? NOOO!" I sat up so fast I immediately felt dizzy. "Finally! Get dressed. It's almost seven." It was a random Slytherin girl who got me up, everyone else was gone. Now I know she only said that to get me to wake up. It can be pretty hard to get me up in the morning! "Ugggghhhhhh....." I flop back onto the bed, stare at the ceiling and finally force myself out of bed. On my way to the showers to get ready, I hear a couple of girls snickering, talking at a loud "whisper", and glancing my way every few sentences. "She's super weird." "Look at her nightgown...." "I already think she's annoying after that cat reunion." I know they're talking about me. They mentioned a nightgown... and that one boy made a snarky comment about it last night. Then the "cat reunion" was brought up and I knew they were diffidently talking about me. Whatever, they don't matter, ....but it still kinda hurt, because they were talking loudly enough.... they must've known I would have heard them. Whatever. They're gone now. Just get in the shower.... maybe I should get some new nightgowns....


"...... and then my father.... Hey! Are you even listening Brown!?" "Huh?" I turn my head away from my fork and uneaten food and look up at Draco, who was apparently rattling on again while I was blanked out again. "Sorry Draco, sometimes I just blank out...." I hope this doesn't upset him, I don't need someone else getting annoyed at me right now. " Alright.... so as I was saying....." He continued and I tried to look like I was listening. Eventually it was time to go to our classes. I was glad because, even though I think Draco is kinda cool I was getting bored of him talking to me about his stupid father 24/7. Checking my schedule my heart leaped out of my throat. We had POTIONS!!! ...but it was with the Gryffindors.... Oh yeah! Zoe Horan got sorted into Gryffindor! This should be easier then. I walked down the same path as yesterday, towards my common room, and took a left to a different hallway and into a room on the right. The potions classroom. I looked around at the seats and saw that I was early, because only two students were here before me. There was Draco and his friend Gregory Goyle Jr. I sat in the middle row behind them and I watched the door for the other students in the class or Professor Snape to enter the class room. I got my books out from under my desk and got out my supplies, as everyone else was doing, so I didn't look like a complete idiot.  Watching the door is like watching paint dry but you know someone is eventually going to walk into the potions lab and you know the paint will dry  eventually after sometime passes but in the classroom scenario the teacher could walk in any minute. This reminded me of grade school where my favorite teacher was sometimes a bit late to class and a kid was always the look out. It was pretty funny when she got to the room because the kid who was on lookout could make this amazing hawk sound and whenever all the other kids heard it they all went scrabbling for their seats and some of them even tripped. I usually just sat and read a book. (NEEEEERRRRD.) The classroom was pretty much full and Zoe had found me and taken a seat next to me looking terrified beyond all belief when the door banged shut and Professor Snape came striding into the potions lab; robes and all billowing behind him and Zoe made a sort of squeak and started to hastily get her books out and sorted. I admit I made a little chuckle under my breath; she looked so betrayed XD. He's not THAT scary; intimidating, yes but not really scary. At least not to me.  "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." He must not like the other subjects as much as his. Obviously. "As such, I don't expect any of you of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making." Well he can't speak for everyone. I liked science and art. They were the subjects that made me want to actually go to school for. "However, for those select few who possess the predisposition..." He turned to Draco with some sort of knowing look but I couldn't read his face very well. Maybe Draco's father paid him or something to treat him more nicely than the other students in his house. I'm not saying that he's downright mean to us; I'm saying that he kinda acts like he doesn't have a soul most of the time. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper... in death." It sounds like he's either practiced this in the mirror this morning or that he's said this speech a million times before throughout his teaching career. I'm just going to pretend that it was the former because I can just imagine him standing in front of a mirror, and when he messes up he throws a couple of things around. "Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to. not. pay. attention!" I turned around in my seat to see who he was glaring at and I wasn't surprised to find him glaring at two Gryffindors. It was Hermione... and Harry Potter. Of course. Although professor Snape looked indifferent to Potter I could tell he was pretty peeved.   "Mr. Potter... our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry shrugged and I couldn't blame him. I didn't know either. "You don't know? Well let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me bezoar?" Well, I think I know this one... stomach of a goat... right? "I-I don't know, sir." "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Why does he keep asking him these kinds of questions on the first day of class? I can hear Draco in front of me and Zoe snickering... I admit it is kind of amusing but why Harry? "I don't know, sir." I'm pretty sure even Draco doesn't know it either... "Draco." "What Brown?" he whisper yells back to me. "Do you even know the answers to these questions?" "Of course!" "Then what are they?" "Umm..." "Just what I thought... how about you stop acting like you're better than everyone else." Because I was talking to Draco while Professor Snape was busy harassing The Boy Who Lived, I didn't catch the end of the conversation; But Potter must have learned his lesson because this time he was paying attention; Good thing too because we were going to have a lecture on lab safety, which I was surprised to find out we were practicing because the building itself is the most dangerous thing I've ever seen. You could be lost for weeks in the castle, and the stairs move. What if you were in the middle of where the stairs break off from each other and you lose your balance and fall?! God, that would be awful... Anyways, Going over safety was pretty boring, but I did have kind of fun looking at all the equipment. Eventually it was time to go to our other class and in the hallway I said bye to Zoe and checked my schedule. I had herbology with... the RAVENCLAWS!!! Yes!! I can see Vera, and sit next to Vera, Joke around with Vera, take notes with Vera, and I can COPY HER WORK!!! YES!!! Meanwhile I try to navigate the halls of this death castle with the other first year Slytherins. The teachers should really hand out maps. We eventually found our way to the greenhouse by the kitchens. It looked like an average greenhouse, but instead of carrots and tomatoes there were a bunch of pretty looking plants mixed in with some scary looking 'I will bite your face off' plants. I wasn't very early getting to class so I spotted some Ravenclaws already among the rows of planters and pots filled with pretty/death plants. I looked around the greenhouse and spotted Vera.


Holy Hiatus, Batman! I know, I know It's a long chapter. This is only part one of the first day though. And it is 1.5k words long... a lot of work was put into this chapter and I know it's been a very long Hiatus but I'm trying my best. Anyways, thank you soooooo much for giving this fanfic a chance. I've always wanted to be a writer and I really love that people are actually reading this. I promise I will get the other chapter out as soon as possible. Again, thank you so much for reading this and I will see you all in the next chapter! Bye!


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