Chapter 6

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A/N So this is it the last chapter of A Love That Wasn't Meant To Be....Hope you guys will like it :-)

Kim finally got married. When I heard about it, I broke down. I miss her so much. I still love her. I got a grip on myself and realised that I should be happy for her. I told myself that my sweetheart finally got her life back and the love we share would be ours forever. Kim's husband is a man whom I could not match up against. She truly got the best. Her family allowed this marriage as the husband to be is not me. All the talk of professions went out of the window. Time has passed and the saying time heals old wounds applies only if it is true. I tried my best to contact her. I just needed to hear her voice and tell her I am sorry for everything I had put her through. After some searching, I manged to get her phone number.

I phoned her to check on how she was doing. Hearing her voice gave me goosebumps. I tried to speak properly so that she does not hear the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes. I ask her how she is doing and apologised for my failures. I can hear in her voice the love we shared is burning bright in her heart. She tries to hide her feelings for me and I do the same. We always manage to think for each other so well. She would always know what I was thinking and so would I. We started to talk to each other every now and then just to check that we are both alright.

When Kim got pregnant, I was so happy that you would have thought I was the father. Her life for once is going in the right direction. We kept contact throughout the years and yet we have been apart for twenty years. I still feel her love in my heart. I guess I only look forward to everyday hoping that I get a glimpse of my sweetheart. My love for Kim is unconditional. I will love her until my last breath. I feel guilty for my failures and misgivings for people around me. Patrice and I are still married and I try to be a good husband and father for her and my two kids, a daughter aged 16 and a son aged 12. I have also grown to love Patrice in a very different way as she have been by my side all this time. I laugh, I joke I put on a front that everyone accepts my life as they see it.

I live my life everyday with pain, agony and live purely as a son to my parents, father to my children, a husband to my wife and a failure to the one I love the most.

The 26th of December **** will be 20 years for Kim and I.

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