Chapter 4- Meeting Noah

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James's POV

So Alex, Mason and I was at Dominos and Alex's best friend Katrina came in and I can tell that Mason likes her because at random times he just look at her for a long period of time and I can sort of tell that Katrina likes him too cause she didn't seem to give a crap when Alex told her that Mason was looking at her and I saw her go a little red when she told him that it was ok so when we got out of Dominos none of us knew what else to do then Mason said " hey lets go to a park I know is here"so Alex said ' ok yes why not let's go " and everyone else Katrina agreed to her and then I said "ok fine lets go there then"so we all got into the car and drove to the park Mason was talking about so we all got out of the car then Alex all the sudden screams " HEY GUYS IS THAT NOAH OVER THERE AT THAT BENCH"! So I went to see who in the world she was pointing at and when I got close enough to her I realized that it was Noah when I realized it was Noah I yelled to Noah " HEY NOAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"?! So Noah turn around and got up and came to me and said " hey James I am just sitting on the bench for a bit cause I just wanted to be alone for a bit and then I said" oh ok that's cool are you alright now"? after I said that Noah said" yes James I am fine"  and he also asked "and James who are these two girls and what are they doing here"?  so I told him" this is Alex and her best friend Katrina they are both Ashers so we all have been hanging out for a while"  so Noah said "oh that's pretty cool what have you  guys been doing" and I told him " oh I met Alex at a gas station then we both agreed to hang out then we went to Dominos to get pizza and we found Mason and Katrina back at Dominos then we all decided to come here and we found you" after I said that Noah asked " have you seen Luke anywhere while you were out"? so I told him nope just found Mason, Alex's best friend Katrina and now you Noah "then Noah said" well crap where in the world is he then"? Then Katrina said" I don't know beats the hell out of me"! then Noah said" ok dang calm down I just asked ok"! Then I went up to Alex and said" Katrina has no filter does she"? so Alex answered" nope she don't have no filter ". After Alex said that Katrina screamed" oh hell no I don't got a damn filter"! After she said that everyone started laughing for like about 5 minutes. So after everyone calms down a little bit Alex said" I knew to god she was going to say that. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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