Chapter 2 - America

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Well hai! It's been a while, hasn't it? ;c Sowwwyy. I hope you enjoy the second chapter!

I boarded the plane rather early, having already said my goodbyes early in the morning. Like, really early. Like, before a rooster would’ve gotten up. I just can’t stand goodbyes; it feels like I’m leaving something behind permanently. I just hate that feeling.

               When the plane started lifting off the ground, I was so terrified that I nearly hurled on the old man next to me. I’ve never been on a plane before.

               “Whoa boy! You’ve never been on a plane before, I reckon,” said the old man as I dry-heaved on his seat. It’s like he read my mind.

               “I actually did, yah know. I’m a psychic!” said the old man. WHOA. What are the chances of me sitting next to a psychic on a plane to New York!? Next to none, I reckon. Wait. Was that my thought…? Or his…? Oh, my God.

               “That was mine,” he said. “By the way, I go by George. George Bedisicn. Nice to meet yah.”

               “Nice to meet you…” I replied, thoroughly confused.

               “So, where are you headed?” asked George. I’m not sure if I should tell a psychic that I’m going to 73936 Sunset Ave in California. Wait. If he’s a psychic…then…

               “Really? 73936 Sunset Ave in Cali? I work at the store just a few blocks over! You’ll be seein’ a lot of me, I reckon,” exclaimed the man.

               Just great. Well, I could be worse off. I mean, he does seem pretty friendly. After all, I could have a serial killer living right next door to me, and George here could warn me. That might be useful. Of course, I don’t want a serial killer living next door to me in the first place…

               “Great!” I said enthusiastically to George, “We’ll be best friends, I know we will!”

               “Best friends who warn each other if a serial killer lives next to him, I bet!” added George.

               Darn. I forgot.

               When we reached the pit stop for the plane, I grabbed a few snacks from the vending machine. I was hungry, having barfed up my breakfast earlier. Thank God that George saw it coming (big surprise there) and gave me a plastic bag to hurl in. Already, I could tell that we were gonna be the best of friends.

               During the first leg of the plane, I learned that George had a pretty good life. He was wearing a pretty nice suit when I first saw him, but I didn’t think anything of it. That’s about the time I realized that my seat was next to him. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked up to him. It turns out, he was pretty nice and non-grouchy for an old guy. When we hit some turbulence, he didn’t even move a muscle! I guess he worked out or something; he sat still like a statue through it all, while I was bouncing around like a kangaroo on coffee in my seat. I felt like I was gonna barf…and I did. At least he gave me the barf bag on time.

               “All passengers, please report back to your plane. We’ll be taking off soon.”

               Well then. Looks like my break was over.

               I opened my bag of Skittles on the plane, and started eating them ferociously. I loved Skittles so much, I would ask if I could have a bag of Skittles next to me in my coffin when I die. So I could eat them forevermore in the afterlife, of course.

               “George, you’re lookin’ a little green there…” I said, concerned for his health. “Are you okay?”

               “Yeah, just a bit…nauseas. I gotta go use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” He scurried off to the bathroom in the back of the plane.

               Was it just my imagination…or did I hear him hesitate there? Now that I think back on it, it didn’t look like he was green from nausea…it look like his face was glowing green from something. It was just after that I thought that something may be terribly wrong when the plane started falling, crashing down into the forest down below. I hit my head as the plane burned in the forest, my eyes seeing a searing green blindness before everything turned black.

Sorry if it was a bit short or didn't make sense. I had to write this over the course of several days/weeks ;~; Anyways, what did you think of it? c: I promise the next chapter'll be longer. Lots more action, too!



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