(11): "April Adversity"

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April 17th, 1998.
8:24 PM

"You've been getting on my last nerve these past few weeks, Heather, real talk."

"Well what the hell do you want me to do about that? I can't control that I'm pregnant and that my hormones are all over the fucking place."

"I'm not the one you should be having an attitude with. Pregnant or not, don't talk to me like that. You better control that shit, Heather. I've dealt with your shit this entire 9 months."

"Oh fucking please, you're just using my pregnancy as an excuse as to why you think it's okay to go out every night and sleep with whores."

Calvin Williams didn't say anything. He was actually taken aback because he hadn't realized that Heather even knew about his infidelity.

"What? You think I didn't know? I fucking know everything. Once I deliver this baby, you can get your shit and go, Calvin. I refuse to deal with this generational curse."

"I'll gladly leave but you not gon keep my kid from me. What me and you have going on don't got shit to do with the baby."

"If i don't want you to see my baby, you won't."

"And I'll fight your ass in court about it. Bet. That's a promise."

"And who do you think they'll believe? Cheating baby daddy or mother of one who's baby bump is still healing?" Heather asked, angry as hell. She'd known Calvin was seeing other women for a while now and the reason she never said anything was because she'd always been taught from the time that she was a young girl that men will be men. Sometimes you've got to let them be men. She'd always been taught that no man would ever commit to any woman so you've got to let them do them. Apart of her also felt like he'd stop and realize who was really going to be there for him when things got tough but it seemed like he wasn't going to calm down any time soon.

Another part of her felt real insecure because one, she was pregnant and was as big as a house. He was going out and cheating with women who looked like they could be Victoria's Secret models and that made her feel some type of way. She often asked herself why he didn't just leave all together instead bringing the same lips he kissed her with home that he put on other women.

"You're cheating on me!" Heather screeched.

"I can't get it from you so what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"I'm pregnant!"
"So what!"
"You can't have sex with pregnant women."
"You just don't want to, Heather! I'm a man. I have needs. You don't do anything anymore. You don't cook, you don't clean, you don't rub my back anymore. I rub your back all the time."

"Yeah, well I'm pre-ga-net," Heather dragged out the syllables slowly so that maybe he'd understand a little better.

"And I wonder what the excuse'll be once you have the baby."
"I'll be back on my shit." Heather said in a matter-of-factly kind of way.

"And what if I'm not here. Then what? What you gon do?"

Heather didn't say anything, instead she just stared at Calvin wishing that her eyes could burn a hole into his head. She couldn't believe how impossible he was being, how careless he was being. Like her feelings didn't matter.

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