Kisses And Grinding

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Your POV

"Uh huh, okay, I'll do it." You mumbled over the phone, talking with hawkmoth. Apparently, he wanted you to interrogate Ladybug and Chat Noir. BUT, he didn't want you to take their miraculous'. Which seems odd, knowing the villain's obsession with them. You got up from bed and woke up Nouvuu, your kwami (which was a phoenix), who was sleeping inside the pocket of your hoodie. You heard the being groan and he floated out and shot a curious look at you. The kwami had a large head and relatively small limbs. Though they looked more like tentacles rather than limbs, considering they didn't come with fingers. The kwami had several warm colored feather dangle from his back, surpassing his legs. He also had several feathers on his face; forehead and feathers lined his eyebrows, giving a fierce aura to his eyes.

"Nouvuu, Feathers on!" You shouted as Nouvuu was sucked into the small gem embedded into your necklace, which was your miraculous. A vortex of fire consumed your entire body as your costume slowly appeared. You stepped out of the vortex and it was extinguished. Your costume was an amber red trench coat, barely reaching down to your ankles. And the quill of the coat was hiding your nape. It was buttoned down all the way, just above your crotch, exposing white skin tight pants. The coat covered a tango orange long sleeved shirt, the shirt was a little baggy, so it exposed some of your collar bone. Your shoes were red boots, above ankle height. Your weapon, which was a pair of rapier swords, were both sheathed on your back, ready to be pulled out of their scabbards at will. And finally, your face was covered by a mask similar to the one they use in fifty shades darker, only with warm colors. (I'm too lazy to explain what it looks like XD)

With having power from a phoenix kwami, you had the ability of flight. You jumped out of the window and waited until you were feet away from the ground, then you lifted up. The wind was blowing your hair and trench coat as you made your way to an abandoned warehouse. Hawkmoth said that both Ladybug and Chat Noir will be there. Though you question how he managed to get both of them to come there, considering it was almost midnight. But you'd rather not ask him about it, he has his ways. Besides, he was paying you to interrogate the duo, not ask about his doings.

You finally made it to the building that was once considered a warehouse. You hovered steadily as you peeked through the windows. There, you saw Chat Noir and Ladybug. This was your first encounter with them actually. You heard all about them in the newspapers, TV, friends, etc. But you never actually got to meet them in person. You saw Chat Noir trying to kiss Ladybug's hand, but she pulled it away making said male to fall over. You smirked at the thought of how cute the blond was. And that tight suit that showed his slightly toned body, makes you excited a bit. "Oh I am going to have fun with you, Chat." You smirked as you break the glass and fly inside, gaining attention from both of them. "Are you the one they call Feenìx?" Ladybug questioned. "Yes I am. You must be Ladybug." You glanced at Chat. "And you, cutie, must be Chat Noir." You purred. Of course, Chat was oblivious to your flirting.

You landed on your feet and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir withdraw their weapons. "Where's the hostage?" Chat asked. "Eh?" You gave a puzzled look.

"Hawkmoth said that there was a hostage. Where is he?"

"Please! How'd you even fall for that old trick? What're you? Ten?" You mocked them.

"Then what does he want?" Ladybug brought up.

"He said I'll have to interrogate you two. Not sure exactly why, but got a couple of questions for you two."

"You really think were gonna give up without putting up a fight?" Chat said.
"No." You said bluntly, smirking. "Any warnings for me before I take you two down?"

"You'll be down in one hit" Chat bragged as he extended his staff.

"A prediction that will prove false." You said as you withdrew your swords.

Before the two could react, you flew towards Chat, crossing your swords to a 'x' and slammed Chat. He was able to block your attack by his staff. But you flew with so much pressure that his feet began dragging. You eventually pinned him to the wall. He was immobilized. You closed the space between your face and his, leaving inches. You smirked as you saw the struggle in Chat's face. You pressed your forehead against him, and you saw the blush on the hero's face, which made you smirk even more. You were about to kiss him but you got wrapped in string to your waist. Ladybug pulled you and smashed you into some crates. You groaned as you quickly recovered. Chat and Ladybug were surrounding you. 'I'll get rid of HER, so I can have my fun.' You thought, referring to Ladybug. You charged at Ladybug. She threw her yo-yo at you, but you easily dodged it. You sweep at her feet, making her fall down. You grabbed her by her leg and threw her out the window. "M'lady!" Chat exclaimed. He looked at you with rage. Without logic coming through his mind, Chat charged at you. You did a back flip, kicking his face on the process. He stumbled back and you took the opportunity. You tackled him to the ground and withdrew one of your swords, while you thrusted the other in the floor, making it stick upwards.

You kicked away his staff and bent down to his face. "Hello cutie." You purred. Chat had a look of shock on his face. He was completely defenseless, so submissive. You bit you lip and you rested your forehead on his. His blush came back, and you smirked once again. You then rested your nose on his. Chat's red face went redder. You traced your hand down his chest, stomach, to his thighs. 'So close to his crotch' you thought. You looked at his face, it was red more than ever. You decided to make a move; you pressed your lips against his. Chat's eyes shot wide open. He felt his limbs go numb. Although you were in a very vulnerable position, Chat didn't do anything. If anything, he actually started kissing back! You shoved down your tongue into his mouth without warning, earning a moan from him. You pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your lips, you slurped it up and began to grind your hips on Chat's crotch. You felt his boner, which motivated you even more. His eyes were shut and his face was as red as a tomato, his mouth was open agape, drool slightly falling out. The sight before you was breathtaking. You leaned in and started to kiss him again. Chat eagerly kissed back, much to your surprise.

You were about to get more intimate, but then you got kicked by the side, making you fly across the room. It was Ladybug. You smirked and ran after them. Ladybug barraged you with a fury of attacks, but you gracefully dodged them all, as if it was a choreographed dance. You ran past Ladybug and kneeled down and pulled your sword. You gave Chat a kiss on the cheek and a wink, then flew away, out the widow.

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