Who The Fuck Are You?

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"Marinette Dupain-Cheng is with (Y/N) (L/N)." The teacher calls out, assigning groups for their term papers. (Y/N) reluctantly raises his hand and the teacher nods at him. "Ma'am, Marinette is out sick today. And I believe this term paper is due?"


Gasps can be heard across the room.

"In Marinette's case, don't you think it would be fair to extend our deadline even for a day?"

The teacher mumbled something incoherent and proceeded to say, "Fine. But I expect the rest of you to get this paper done by tomorrow."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Just as (Y/N) was about to start writing topics for their paper, Chloé groaned and said.

"Like, I'm the mayor's daughter! I shouldn't be doing this useless stuff! Sabrina, you do all of this. I'm gonna go to the mall later after school."

(Y/N)'s nose scrunched up as he tried to hide his irritation. Chloe's whining stopped when the teacher called her out. "Actually, Ms. Bourgeois. You get to have Nathanaël as your partner." She smiled innocently towards Chloé, who put on a sour face. She scoffed, "Like, I would want to be partnered with that loser."

"I get to assign who you work with Ms. Bourgeois."

Although (Y/N) was quite enjoying himself with Chloe's and the teacher's bickering, he had glanced over to Nathanaël, who was visibly quivering. He silently snuck up to the upper levels of the classroom, and took the spare seat beside the trembling tomato. "You okay?" He asked.

"I-Um... I'm alright."

"Are you sure? Doesn't look like to me."

Nathanaël looked into (Y/N)'s eyes. Then sighed in defeat. "I-I'm scared of Chloé."

"Hey, it's perfectly understandable. I personally don't like Chloé either, but... I don't let it get to me, ya know? What I do know is that you're not gonna let Chloé get in the way of doing your paper. If she doesn't help, then make her."

Nathanaël gulped. "But what if she doesn't?"

(Y/N) smiled. "Then I will."

Nathanaël felt a blush form on his cheeks. "Really?"

(Y/N) nodded, smiling warmly at him. He didn't notice at the corner of his eye that Adrien was staring at them. His eyes slightly glaring at Nathanaël.

"Thank you." Nathanaël said.

"Its okay. Besides. It's not fair that you'd be paired up with Chloé. And I did promise to protect you didn't I?"

Again, Nathanaël blushed. "I remember."

"I should be going. Call me if you need help with anything, okay?" Nathanaël only nodded as he went down the stairs to take a seat next to Adrien.


"Hey." Adrien mumbled.

"Who's your partner?"



Adrien looked away, which made (Y/N) furrow his brows in confusion. "Hey if you want to talk then-"

"I have to go. I need to start on working with mine and Nino's term paper. Not all of us gets a deadline extension." Adrien said in a somewhat poisonous voice, and stood up grabbed his stuff and went out the door. (Y/N) gawked at him. What just happened? He thought.


Mari: So you'll come over?

(Y/N): Already on my way

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