Chapter 2

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I continued to look around for any site of Louis but he was no where to be found.

I cautiously started walking across the not so busy road, when I saw a black BMW with tinted windows. Parents pick up their children from over here all the time so I thought it was no big deal. I continued to walk towards the car I was about a foot or so away from it.

Then I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Louis open the car door, get out of it, and start walking over to me. I began to panic. Next thing you know, I'm being hoisted up onto Louis shoulders. My arms dangling down his back and my legs towards the front of his body. His arm was slung on my legs so I don't fall.

'Put me down!' I shrieked pounding on his back so he will put me down. I don't think I've realized this before but, I'm not as strong as I thought I was because he isn't letting me go. Once we got to his car he stopped walking.

'Are you going to run?' He asked.

'Obviously' I rolled my eyes aware that he can't see me. He put me down still holding onto my shirt sleeve firmly. He opened his car door and slightly pushed me in the car. I got in the car and put my seatbelt on. My hands are shaky and sweaty. Where is he taking me? Will he hurt me? Even worse, will he kill me?

He got into the car and turned it on. He began to drive the opposite direction of my house. 'Where are we going?' I asked with a shaky voice.

He chuckled. 'You'll find out.' He smiled. 'I-I know wh-who you ar-are.' I said. He looked at me it a brief second before looking back at the road. 'Oh you do?' He asked curiously.

'Yeah didn't you kill those two girls?' I looked at him his eyes went wide, he swerved off the road and onto the side of the highway.

'Are you crazy?!' I asked him. He turned to me. 'Lets get something straight, you don't tell anybody that I kidnapped you like this. And I won't have to kill you.' My eyes went wide.

'I will let you go back to your house and to school and maybe' he paused giving me a smirk. 'If you're good enough for me I'll let you go to that other girls house.' I cocked my head in confusion. 'What other girl?' He smirked again. 'You know the hot one with the pink hair?' 'London?' 'Yeah but I want to meet her.' 'Why?' He chuckled 'have you seen her?!' I looked back out the window.' I'm done talking about this.'

After a few more minutes of silence we turned into a drive way. The house wasn't humongous but it wasn't small either. Louis looked at me.'There are three bedrooms without counting my bedroom. I would choose the one close to my bedroom.' He paused 'You'll be in there a lot.' He winked at me and turned the car off.

' We'll get you clothes tomorrow for tonight you can wear something of mine.' He said as he got out of the car. I opened the car door and headed towards the house.

Louis unlocked the door and opened it. 'Welcome to your new home.' He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and walking in. As I walked in Louis slapped my bum. I turned around and gave him a discussed look. 'You liked it' he smiled at me.This is going to
Hai guise! So um... Idk what to say lol uh. .-. I'm really trying with all if this like make sure the story fits and... Stuffs... Yup. I'm in class rn heh #Rebel! lol I hope you guise are having an awesome day and uhm...OH chapter two was a short chapter I'm writing all of this in my phone so if there are any mistakes or anything pls tell meh. OMG just resized something. When I published the first chapter it wasn't publishing so this is the only one published nothing really happened in the frost chapter but omg I feel so fucking stupid but If there is a chapter named Don't Be Shy that's chapter one. This is chapter two. I am SOOOOOOOO sorry I'm trying to fix it Soooo yup annnnndddd bai!!

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