Chapter 8- Sebastian the genie

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  What happened? Sebastian went into a store while Dan and Phil ran away from him. Rachel was telling the other fans she was doing it so he won't die. Amanda was cursing. Amanda's sons were getting food. A more was playing with the cats. Cheshire, TOBI, Raven, and Blue Meepz tried to pull out the broom. EVERYONE WAS CRAZY. Then Sebastian was going into a store. That's where he found a genie costume and some handcuffs. Sebastian thought should I get handcuffs or genie? Never mind I'll get genie costume because that is not kinky. Now Sebastian was dressed like a genie. All his fans started to sing A whole new world as Sebastian started to fly. This was getting weird. Wait Sebastian wasn't flying by himself it was something a ghost holding him OMG ITS BRYANS GHOST. Amanda said " WHAT THE FUCK! HAHA NO ONE SHUSHED ME FINALLY!!" Everyone just looked at Amanda annoyed then at Sebby and they saw that he was gone and they didnt know where

     Everyone started to panic. Then Somer shot her gun saying " Shut up to find your precious Sebastian we will have to work together got it?" All the fans nodded. This is going to not go well.

Hello I got nothing to say but will this plan to work together work?

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