Sebastian was a regular YouTuber until one day something bad happens!!
This is very old fanfic from when I was younger so it's really trashy and random so enjoy lol
John Cena later came back and he said he couldn't find Smore so everyone went to go look for her. Amanda just said "WE'RE NEVER GONNA FIND HER AWWW SHI-" Raven again fitted her off. "I hate you so much. CAN YOU JUST STOP SHUSHING FOR A SENTENCE?" Amanda mumbled then screamed at Raven. Raven just smirked at this behavior and said "Be quiet and stop acting like a child." Now Amanda had passed her limit and was about to destroy Raven until they found Smore.
They found Smore at the worst time. She was sitting,on the ground eating something. She was eating S'mores. SHE WAS EATING HER OWN KIND. Everyone looked at Smore terrified they just backed off quietly and softly. #SOFTANDNEAT (sorry I had to). Everyone was concerned about Smore until Somer just went up snatched the s'mores from her and shot them with her machines guns bullets. Everyone clapped except Smore. Smore was confused and just stayed still. Everyone hid from Smore cause they knew what was gonna happen next!
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Until they saw...
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What did you guys think of this chapter? What was Smore going to do if Sebastian didn't come?